Bad timing

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Shawn's pov
I pushed the door to the garage open and scanned for any masks, I motioned to the garage door as I said "Kicker, get the second truck ready" he nodded and set about hot wiring the car. I was doing the same as the sound of distant alarms was heard, I sighed as Sledge said "oi mate, we should probably get moving" Maverick snapped in return "the fuck do you think they're hot wiring cars for?" He lifted his hands in surrender as the truck I was hot wiring turned over and the lights came on. I lifted my NVGs and looked around inside and saw it was an automatic with room for four plus the truck bed. I turned off the lights and the dome lights before I heard Kicker's truck engine turn over he quickly turned off the lights as I said "mount up, we got maybe 2 mikes before they get here" Ash, Mira and Maverick climbed in the truck with me as Sledge and Vigil climbed into kicker's. I gave the thumbs up and we tore off followed closely by kicker, I radioed "Archer, we'll be at your current position in 1 Mike. Be ready, how copy?" I got back "solid copy"
We drove quickly, I heard Ash "we've got lights half a mile down the road. Looks like 4 sets" I said "call it in" as she keyed her radio and repeated it on the net. Mira asked "so why take two trucks when we could all have fit on this one?" I heard Maverick "That way if something goes wrong with this truck or the other we still have a vehicle." She nodded as kicker's tail lights turned crimson and I saw Kami and Archer climb into the truck bed. Kami immediately got on the .50 cal just to be safe. I heard shouts and then Mira said from behind me "we got lights coming over the hill" I radioed "go go go, kicker you're truck is rear guard. Kami make sure that 50 is hot" as I stomped on the gas and the engine flew to 5000 revs. Sand was kicked for a second before the wheels found traction and we shot off very quickly reaching the speed of 80 mph, kicker was right behind us and Sledge radioed "this is way more eventful that I thought it'd be" I just chuckled.
I heard the bark of the 50 as Kami yelled into comms "what you got bitches?! What you got?! Ha ha ha" I rolled my eyes and heard Maverick "so he never changed?" I shook my head no and said "can't say he had" as we hit a flat and the machine guns on the enemy trucks opened up. One of the rounds hit the front right tire causing our truck to spin, I saw Ash lift her g36 and fire through the wind shield as I slammed the tuck in reverse and started gaining speed. I heard Mira "all friendlies be advise one of our tires got shot out. We're still moving but slowly" next thing I know rounds strike the front of the truck and the temp gauge flies to hot and the truck quits. I punched the steering wheel as I yelled "Fuck!" Before sliding out and grabbing my 416. I fired off round after round as Kicker pulled up next to us, we climbed into the back and I tossed a thermite grenade in the cab of the truck before we pulled away. We traded fire with the masks for a bit but eventually we had to stop given how rough the terrain was, we didn't want to risk shooting one of our own.
We reached the forest that marked the halfway point and had to abandon the truck, from here it's a maneuver game. I looked at Mira and asked "still got that laptop?" She lifted her bag and nodded as I said "let's move" just for the mask trucks to appear on the hilltop and the technicals in the bed to open up causing us to scatter into the forest. Mira and I ran off to the left heading for thicker underbrush, once we reached it we crouched and she looked at me and asked "you hurt?" I shook my head no before putting my finger to my mouth in a 'shhh' pose. She nodded as we waited listening to the masks make plans for hunting us down. I crawled forward and spotted 3 masks walking towards us. I crawled back and pulled out my pistol before asking Mira in a whisper "do you have a suppressor?" She nodded and pulled her pistol as we waited. I heard the lead mask in the distance "alpha and beta platoons are starting a clear from the northwest and northeast. We'll get the bastards."
Mira and I waited anxiously as we watched the 3 masks walk past us, I lifted my left hand and 3 fingers putting one down every second before squeezing off a round. Mira reacted instantly firing off two rounds as I switched targets and fired again. When all the masks dropped I holstered my pistol and heard her "let's get some distance between us and the other masks" I nodded as we took off running into the darkness. The headlights of the mask's trucks illuminated it just enough where I could hear the mask officer "There they go! Get them!" As rounds started snapping past us. I spun and dropped to a prone as I unloaded my magazine in return. 3 of the masks dropped as a result of stunt, there was a quiet moment as both the masks and I scrambled to reload first, off in the distance I heard gunfights. It seems the entire team was in combat of some kind. I slapped my mag lock and started firing killing another mask as I stood and ran to catch up to Mira. The mask officer was heard yelling "you won't escape us! We'll wipe you off the face of the planet!"

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