Hunkering down

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Elena's pov
      I followed Tombstone and Maverick into the abandoned village, it was all overgrown with a ton of busted windows. The insides looked frozen in time, plates and cups laid strewn about in a meticulous fashion, like someone was about to use them when they got left. I looked around holding my vector tightly until I heard Tombstone say to Maverick "we hold here for the night, we gotta get some rest for the big run tomorrow" Maverick looked at him and then back at the tired expressions and body language of our group before nodding "agreed." Tombstone looked around and pointed "Archer, Mira, Maverick and I will set up traps in adjacent houses. The rest of you move to the 2 story building and set up defenses. Well hunker down in the second story" we nodded as the two of us selected for traps walked up to Maverick and Tombstone. I heard archer ask "how many munitions do we have?" I saw Maverick and Tombstone hold up 2 grenades each with tombstone having 2 claymores in his left and Maverick having 4 flashbangs hanging from their pins. I asked confusedly "non-lethal?" I got told by archer "we're just putting these traps as an early warning"
     I nodded as tombstone ordered "Archer, Maverick. Take the building southeast, trap the building farthest out" they nodded and split off as Tombstone said "With me" and started walking southwest. I followed him and when we reached the edge of the village and he stopped, I looked at him and saw him slowly inspecting each building before he nodded "this one and that far one to the right" I asked simply "why them?" He replied sounding like a seasoned hunter "they're the most intact, they're the ones people are most likely to hunker down into" I looked around and saw it was true I mumbled "I didn't even notice" he nodded and started walking again tossing me a frag and then 2 flash bangs. He said once more "take the far right and set em up on the doors and a window. You got wire right?" I nodded and walked into the building. I crouched and carefully wired the frag grenade to the door, I wore the flashbang to the far side door. I climbed through the window and carefully wired the last flashbang to the window.
      I heard Tombstone "took your time huh?" I coughed as he said "come on, the others are already setting up" I nodded and eventually we reached the building. We climbed up the stairs and I saw the rest of them sitting around, tombstone said "Ash, Maverick, archer, Chief and Spec get some rest. Sledge, Mira and I have security" they nodded and set about getting comfortable I pulled up a chair and sat far enough back I could see comfortably without silhouetting myself. I saw Tombstone doing the same as Sledge set up his observation station on the opposite side of the room. I heard Sledge ask "oi, tombstone, the fuck are you doin here?" I saw him look over before replying simply "my job" sledge replied "no, I mean what are you doing here? In the field, you're a captain aren't you?" I heard Tombstone "yeah, that's just my rank. Doesn't mean I'm not still a soldier, what does a soldier do?" Sledge replied "fight" tombstone nodded "so I'm out here, doing what soldiers do. Fighting" sledge replied "good man" I looked out the window before hearing my callsign "Mira" I looked over and saw Tombstone looking at me "why do this job?"
I thought about it before asking "how do you mean?" He explained "you're police, I see it on your chest, so why join a force that would put you in situations like this?" I thought about it before saying "I felt I could do more for the world here, but I never expected situations like this" I heard a calloused laugh before hearing Tombstone "I assure you, this is a particularly bad day at the office" I chuckled before asking "hey Seamus, what did you think was gonna happen when we got sent on this mission?" He replied slowly "just thought it would be routine, I wasn't expecting this" I nodded slowly before asking "tombstone? What about you?" He replied tiredly "I knew it would be rough, I didn't expect the pilots getting taken out. That kinda fucked my day" I chuckled despite myself as Tombstone looked around and asked "how much you wanna bet we don't make it through the night without contact?" I asked "you really think it's a possibility?" Sledge replied scoffingly "don't be a fucking fool, of course we get contact" tombstone replied "masks don't have NODs, there's too many directions for them to search. Hell we don't even know if they know where we are"
Sledge sighed before saying "I'm willing to bet they've got a pretty good fucking idea" I checked my ammo and said "I got about one more good gunfight in me before I'm out of ammo" I heard Tombstone sigh before he rubbed his face and looked deep in thought. Sledge said "ain't no way, you can't be seriously considering that" he looked over and said "I am" sledge hissed "and give the masks our position?" I asked tiredly "what is the debate?" Tombstone said "I might call for a resupply" I asked "why?" He stood and waved his arms around "do you not get how fucked we are? I'm on 2 magazines, ash is wounded. Archers low on food, the chief and spec are wounded. You're almost out, sledge lost his pistol. We're fucked if we don't get ammo" sledge sighed as I replied "we should get everyone's input before we do this, this is everyone's life we're betting" he sighed before nodding and saying "alright, wake em up. We need to talk about this now" as we started waking people up. Most were unhappy at the awakening but quickly understood the reasoning behind it.

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