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Shawn's pov
       I turned and fired another couple rounds as Mira talked on the radio "Kicker, what's your status?" He replied "Kami, Archer and Sledge are with me. We've slipped away from our tail but we're moving slow, there's mask-" he went silent for about 30 seconds before saying "there's mask patrols all over the place" I yelled "reloading!" As she moved up next to me and fired off a burst at any mask that poked around the trees. I thumbed my radio "Maverick, status" as I pulled the last mag in my farthest left mag pouch and slid it in the magazine well. He replied as gunfire filled my headset "We're in heavy contact, 2 patrols hit us. Ash got grazed and vigil's WIA" kicker chimed into the comms as I fired another few rounds "I can hear the gunfight, my group will work our way over to assist" Kami asked "how're things on your end, Tombstone?" Mira replied after she yelled "empty!" I moved forward and threw a frag grenade as she said "we're still in contact, have yet to break off." I tucked into cover and looked at my watch then radioed "we've got 23 mikes to hit the LZ"
I looked at Mira for a second before asking "you got nitro cells right?" She nodded and said "two" I said "give em here" she confusedly handed me her two charges as I set about setting them up on the thick tree trunk infront of me before I keyed my radio "well bound back" she nodded as I leaned around the tree and yelled "suppressing!" As I fired round after round before I heard Mira yell up to me "Your turn!" I nodded and turned starting to run as she shot. Once I reached the distance I yelled "set it off!" She nodded and quickly grabbed the phone detonating the nitro cells causing the massive old tree to fall over and start rolling down the hill. The gunfight ended as the masks scrambled to get out of the way, Mira said "here's our window" I nodded as we turned as disappeared into the forest. I radioed "Kicker, Archer, sitrep?" I didn't get anything in return. I looked at Mira as she shrugged before saying "maybe they're still in the gunfight?" I sighed but said "we need to move, they know the plan is to break contact and get to the LZ"
She asked "so we head up the mountain?" I nodded and looked at the upper half looming mountain we were working our way up. "We're about 15 minutes from the primary Lz" we started jogging trying to cover the ground. The masks will be on our trail by now, that tree only bought us maybe a minute. We kept climbing up the mountain occasionally I would help Mira to the next rock, once we got above the timber line I heard Kicker "-Stone, tombstone can you hear me? This fucking thing, god damnit!" I breathed a sigh of relief as I thumbed my radio "go for tombstone" I heard the relief as Kami said "where the fuck are you guys?" I looked up and saw the mountain top that marked our LZ was only 30 meters away "almost at the primary, where are you?" Ash replied "halfway there" I checked my watch before replying "5 minutes to extraction, you gotta be there" I heard Archer "we will be, just give us time" we kept climbing and eventually we hit the plateau at the top. I crouched next to a fallen log, I heard Mira "Think this goes smoothly?"
      I replied "hopefully" as we waited, I heard the distant chopping of helicopter blades and looked off to the west and saw the chinook, I swore "damnit, they're gonna be late" I radioed "Where the fuck are you guys?!" Maverick replied "2 minutes out" I replied hastily "you better fucking get here, I can see the helicopter" I heard clambering behind us and spun seeing a mask Lieutenant look up as my rifle was lifted. He froze as Mira and I aimed at him, I commented "an unplanned guest I see" as I fired 2 rounds. I heard Kami on the comms "was that you?" I hit squelch twice and looked west again, the chinook's powerful engines roared fully. I sighed not wanting to wait to get out of this god damn country. The pilot began lowering the helicopter expertly placing the rear two wheels and lowering the ramp, the crew chief leaned down and motioned us to the ramp. I looked over the edge and saw the group climbing up, I ran over to the ramp and yelled to the crew chief "My team is 30 seconds from getting here, can we wait?!" He talked on the radio for a second before nodding.
     I nodded my thanks as we waited for my team to climb over quickly motioning them into the helicopter. They got the memo and climbed on board, no sooner than they did that did ISR get heard "be advised, were picking up multiple unknowns moving on all faces of the mountain" I swore as the helicopter started lifting. I looked at Rainbow's team and they looked terrified, kicker said on the net "don't worry, they won't take down this war bird" they nodded as gunfire erupted through the sides of the chinook, it shook and shuddered but kept flying until I saw the pilots slump. My eyes widened since I was standing and not strapped in, the helicopter started spinning wildly, the pilots were KIA so they wouldn't be able to control the fall. I got tossed around from the turbulence as the Crew chief and gunners and I struggled to keep ourselves in position. Suddenly the rear end of the chinook kicked up and the nose crushed in. I got thrown forward hitting off the walls of the cockpit before getting thrown around as the chinook rolled until it hit a tree and tore in half, as the half of the helicopter I was in came to a rest I past out.

Operation: Explosive mirrorsWhere stories live. Discover now