Moving fast

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Elena's pov
       I watched the team as they entered flat out runs trying to make it to Tombstone before he got overrun. I felt my throat dry up and my nerves fire off at the thought of what we could be running into, the sight we could see. I heard Sledge "you hear that?" Archer confirmed "gunshots" as ash said "we're close then" I replied "we should hurry then." Long bursts of fully automatic gunfire pierced the foggy night, he must have a lot of them rushing him for the use of full auto. Ash radioed "tombstone, sitrep" he replied after a second "just peachy" as the gunshots got louder. I was relieved to hear he's still alive as I mentally prepared myself for the gunfight. I looked at archer and asked "think he's winning?" She replied by asking "he ain't dead is he?" I said "no, not that I know of." She smiled "then he's winning, the only way they win is if he dies. He'll keep fighting until his blade is dull and chipped and he can't walk anymore." I looked her up and down and saw the smile. This is the most I've heard her talk since Tombstone got separated from us.
We pushed through the underbrush and entered the clearing, I saw mask bodies strewn about as the sound of gunfire faded and I looked around. I got shaken by Ash as the sounds faded back in, she yelled "let's go!" As she turned and I lifted my vector. I fired off bursts as I saw Tombstone's head snap to the right at the sound of gunfire and tracers entered his view. I could see the relief, I smiled affirmation at him before it turned to horror as a round streaked through his shoulder and he dropped. I yelled "moving to tombstone!" As sledge yelled "suppressing!" As I started running for the piece of cover I saw tombstone behind. He groaned as he held his wound "the fuckers shot me, fuck. Oh shit. Shit balls" I slid into him and crouched over him. Firing the rest of my magazine before I leaned down and yelled over the gunfight "I'm gonna take care of your boo boos" he just groaned as he pushed his finger into the wound. I saw his silent gasp as the fresh wave of white hot pain hit his system from shoving his finger in the wound.
I broke into his ifac case and grabbed the gauze and cotton, I pulled his finger from the wound and stuffed the cotton ball in the wound before tightly wrapping it with gauze. I looked at him as his eyes slowly opened "all better" he smiled faintly before I gripped my ear as it started ringing. I looked to my right and saw his pistol, the barrel was smoking and the scent of spent gunpowder was clearly present. I looked over my shoulder and saw the mask holding his throat, I spun as the mask fell and lifted my vector at him. He sputtered a couple times before I was confident he had expired. I looked back at tombstone and saw his crooked smile as he tried pushing himself up. I leaned around the tree and saw the masks had started their retreat. I heard Tombstone on my good side "they weren't expecting you to make it as fast as you did. If you were a second later I was fucked" I looked at him before pulling him to his feet. He added on "I was gonna bring a lot with me tho" I asked "how's your ammo?!"
I checked his mag bag and then his magazine in his rifle "bout half a mag" archer must've said something since Tombstone looked at her and said "I had to shoot, he was gonna kill her. It was either I ring her bell or she dies" I saw the sigh of archer but couldn't hear it past the ringing. Eventually we started moving towards the rendezvous again, my hearing was slowly coming back as ash and sledge talked "think he was gonna survive that?" Sledge replied heartily "without us joining in? No" ash replied "he's delta, they're like our best soldiers. He probably would've pulled through" tombstone said simply "sledge is right, I was onto my last half a magazine before going to my pistol. It wasn't a pretty situation" I heard sledge with his victorious singular "ha" as tombstone added "thanks for coming back for me." I replied without thinking as the sound of bombs ring out from behind us "we couldn't leave you" archer ratted me out "Mira was all worried about you. All over the place trying to find a sign of you" I blushed in embarrassment as tombstone looked me over before Archer said "it's nice to have you back" tombstone laughed joyfully "mom would be mad if you left me here"

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