Going to washington

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Shawn's pov(4 days later)
        I looked out the window of the plane and then down at my bandage on my hand, Elena asked "what did Gustave tell you?" I replied slowly "he thinks we might need to amputate" she asked "think it's gonna take you off the field?" I looked up and noticed the rest of the team staring at me. Ara spoke for me "no, they could keep Shawn off the play ground if they tried." The team chuckled before Seamus said "what do ye think they're bringing us to Washington about?" Eliza said "probably to give us medals and make this big huge ceremony out of it" ara added "I heard through the grape vine a task force was sent in to retrieve the bodies... all of them" I replied "I hope so, leaving them there is eating at me" Elena rested her hand on my forearm, I noticed ara eyeing the action before looking away and growing a small smirk. I decided I'd ask her about it later. I heard Elena "we would've got them out if we could, you made the right call keeping us alive" I nodded but didn't offer a reply, she looked on in concern.
I heard Eliza "we should be over the eastern seaboard soon" I nodded and pulled out my phone. I saw a message from my mother, I clicked on it and read as she rambled about how worried the news was making her. I don't know how she knew it was Ara and I, they hadn't said any names yet. Just the lost. Then I remembered mom had met most of my platoon, they hadn't given word to the press that we had gotten out alive. She probably thinks they're still searching for our bodies. I texted back "it's okay mama, Ara and I made it out." And turned off my phone. I heard Ara "Get a message from mom?" I glanced over and nodded, I subconsciously still felt Elena's hand on my arm as Ara said "she's messaged me a couple times. She's trying to get information we both know we can't share" Seamus said "well this mission is going public so maybe she'll get that info" I sighed as Eliza said "still wondering about the decisions you made?" I nodded and said "wondering what the different choices would've done" Ara said simply "don't, you kept the 5 of us alive. Think on that"
      I didn't reply but felt the shift, 15 minutes later I saw the eastern seaboard. The realization set in we didn't get told why we were being called to Washington DC, 2 of the operators weren't even American. I voiced the point "any one know why we're heading to DC?" The entire team shifted in discomfort as Ara said "no actually" I nodded not thinking too much on it as we approached the airport. The plane touched down and we slowly made our our way to the stair well. The bright high moon sun forced me to lift my hand to block it, once my eyes adjusted I saw Secret service cars waiting for us. I felt naked without my rifle, the first time in nearly a year I haven't had a rifle in my hands. I heard one of them "Are you Captain Shawn Ryan?" I nodded as he asked "is this the team from the operation?" I replied sourly "what's left of us" he nodded realizing the sore subject before saying "please follow me to your car" I glanced behind me and got a reassuring smile from Elena with a small nod.
We followed the agent and eventually reached a blacked out SUV, I slid into the passenger seat as an agent took the drivers seat. I heard the agent "I hope you're ready to meet the chief of staff" I glanced over as Eliza asked "the president? We're meeting the fucking president?" I heard Ara "you haven't met him already?" The team looked at her in shock as I muttered "CAG is one of the units that falls under direct control, we have a fair amount of interaction with potus" the other third stared on in shock as the Agent I now recognize as Reach said "Nice to see you again Captain" I replied simply "you too Reach, I wish it were under better circumstances" he nodded and said "that missions been all over the news, both sides are arguing about it. I think President Bowman is trying to get you guys to bring everyone to a consensus" I heard Ara "what? We're coming out of the dark for this?" Reach replied "CAG's been out of the dark for a while, everyone knows you guys exist. Just nothing confirmed officially" I looked out the window and said "Kicker and Kami would've loved this, they were always for more pictures"

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