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Shawn's pov
       I listened to the dull roar of the C-130s engines as it passed over the clearing we had found in the darkness, I looked up seeing the silhouette of the plane before focusing on the supply crate. I heard Archer to my right "we're gonna have to make this quick" I nodded before saying "we're gonna be reaching the outer edge of where are radios work, we'll be getting into the next jammer soon" she nodded as the 1 ton pallet hit the ground 50 yards infront of us and I said on comms "Archer and I moving to secure" as we jogged forward and I pulled my knife out of it's sheathe cutting through the wrapping tearing off the boxes of different ammo calibers tossing them back to the group before I pulled my bag off my back and started shoveling the MREs in. I looked at archer and commented "just like selection" she shook her head and said "this is way more fucked than selection" I shrugged and said "I like to think of it as a nice vacation" she just kept putting food in her bag before we reached the 338 and 5.56 ammo boxes.
I ordered on the net "grab a can and strap it to your bags, we're leaving" I saw the group take turns strapping the boxes to their bags before we started off for the far side of the large clearing. I heard Overlord on the net "Tombstone, this is Overlord, how copy?" I thumbed my mic "go for tombstone" I heard "we've got a situation update for you, break, a recovery task force is being gathered and briefed. They'll be going in by convoying two days time, break, your team needs to make it to Grid 0431XV, over" I replied "rog' any word on air support?" Overlord replied "negative, you're on your own for now" I replied "be advised we're about to hit another jammers sector so comms will be cut until we clear it or find the transponder" I heard one final "affirm" as I heard in the distance "There they are!" And the snap of a 7.62 round zipping past my head. I sighed as the team spread out into the tree line and returned fire. The net flooded with information from ISR along with calls from the team itself, all of us trying to keep one another alive.
I heard Mira "Tomb, get down!" I ducked and heard rounds snapping over my heard. The snapping stopped and I straightened firing a couple rounds at the masks as they advanced, I heard ISR "be advised you have a large element moving on your position from the south East" Sledge yelled over the gunfire "who would've fucking guessed?!" I laughed as we traded fire but eventually the Mask's reinforced their initial force and I heard Maverick on comms "Tombstone we have to go now! Our window is closing!" I looked around before yelling "Go! Maverick, Archer, we're rear guard the rest of you break and head northwest!" I heard Mira next to me "we'll bound back 50 yards and wait for you, good luck" I nodded as my fellow Operators rushed back and Delta made our stand. I heard Maverick with an unusual excitement to his voice "So this is it huh? This is how it ends for Task Force Green?!" I heard archer calmly "I don't know about you, but I don't intend to die in this fuckin hell hole" as she squeezed the trigger and the bark of her rifle pierced the cacophony of noise.
      I leaned around the tree I was using for cover and fired off round after round as I muttered "holy shit, they're just flat out running" next thing I heard was Maverick "Reloading!" Followed by ISR "Be advised an element of the mask forces has broken off and is moving to your 10 o'clock position" I thumbed my radio as I fired a few rounds "confirmed" archer methodically picked off targets as I yelled "Mav, Left flank, Left flank, left flank!" He yelled back "on it!" As we continued our stand to stop the mask force. I heard Mira on comms "Tombstone, we hit the mark, rally" I gave the order "fall back!" As I pulled a smoke grenade and tossed it. As we backed up Maverick and I pulled rear guard before turning to run next thing I heard is a snap, a hiss and the dreaded cry "I'm hit! Son of a bitch I'm hit!" I spun and ran back grabbing Maverick by his shoulder straps and pulling him back. Archer started the report "be advised we have wounded, Maverick was hit!" I heard Mira "we're moving to assist" I radioed "negative, stay put we've broken contact"
       I pulled him back into concealment and started pulling off his armor to find the wound just to hear him weakly "they got me good" I leaned over him and saw the dark patch under his armpit. I sighed and said "they got his lung" as he coughed and blood spurted out of his mouth. I pressed my fingers into the wound and tried to stop the bleeding as he grabbed his magazines and pressed them against my chest plate "you're gonna- you're gonna need these" I looked down and asked "no you will, we're gonna get you out of here" he coughed "no.... We both know this is the end. Take the mags..... take em, I'll feel better knowing you have them" he smiled a bloody smile as archer grabbed me and dragged me back and away from Maverick's corpse "we have to go" I shoved her off me and yelled "Erik! Get off of me!" As archer tackled me and said calmly "we need to go, before we join him and get the rest of them killed." I shoved her off as she threw me in the direction we were headed "go, we need to go now" I sighed before turning and running.

Operation: Explosive mirrorsWhere stories live. Discover now