Breaking contact

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Shawn's pov
       We reached the group and I ordered "let's move, the masks will be on us any second" they nodded and turned continuing on the path. I heard shouts of celebration as they found Maverick, I spun pissed off as Sledge grabbed me "I know mate, but we gotta keep going. We can kill them later" I clawed at the air as Archer said "I want to kill them too tombstone, but it's not the time for this revenge bullshit. We need to stay alive" I saw the other operators looking at me before I sighed and shook my head turning back to the team and rushing into the darkness. My headset burned with static as we reached the area of the next jammer, I heard Mira to my right "how're you holding up?" I replied with gritted teeth "I just lost another brother, I'm pretty far from okay" she replied sadly "I was pretty good friends with Erik, we'll make em pay" sledge nodded "aye mate, we'll get revenge" I wordlessly kept jogging before spinning and tying two frags to the trees on either side of the trail before stretching a wire across the trail.
     I smiled maliciously "you bastards better watch your step, or I'll take your fucking legs" as I spun and began running to catch up. We ran into the thicker underbrush, I ordered "set up an L-shaped, I'll set up explosives in the kill zone. We hit em hard, kill a lot of them, make our escape in the confusion" I saw a couple of them look uncomfortable as Archer asked "tomb, you sure about this?" I looked at her and then the rest of the group "get moving, we're running out of time" as I pulled an extra charge of C4 from my bag and burying it before I ran back I heard the frag's detonate. With a smile I took up the empty position in the L. I heard Mira to my left "you sure about this?" I glanced over and nodded "if we can take some out, cause enough confusion and buy enough time we survive. They won't be expecting us to set up an ambush" she sighed before saying "I trust you" I nodded as I lifted my 416 and rested it against the tree trunk. I heard shouts and rustling in the brush before the first group of masks burst into the clearing. I whispered "hold... hold..." another group of masks entered the kill zone.
One crouched and looked at the freshly disturbed ground and I yelled "abracadabra!" And hit the clacker detonating the charge and opening the engagement off. I heard bursts of fire from all around me as the masks tried to recover from the initial shock, most of them in the first two squads didn't make it farther than 2 steps. I ordered "ash, sledge rotate to miras 6 o'clock" I heard replies of confusion but saw them moving. Archer asked "think they're gonna flank?" I replied simply "it's what I would do. It's fucking stupid to run into an ambush you know is there" she replied "we've watched them do dumber shit" I shrugged before the next group reached us, I heard movement to the left, no sooner than I heard it did it end and the forest entered a deathly silence. I couldn't help but think in the next minute, someone is dying. I felt the wind pick up at the tension grew, I heard a twig snap directly infront of me causing my rifle to belch a long burst and screams of pain echoed from the brush.
I smirked until round impacted the other side of my tree and the three on the left flank opened up, I sighed and held my 416 around the tree and unloaded the magazine. I heard ash "we need to assault through!" Archer yelled "you're insane!" I pulled the priming handle on my 416 and said "I'm going" she looked at me as Mira said "no, that's asking to get killed!" I yelled back "we need to do something! Or we just wasted our last charge of C4!" Archer sighed "I'm with you" I nodded before lifted my left hand slowly putting down 3 fingers. Just as I started out of cover a heavy machine gun barked to life causing archer and I to scurry back into the safety of our trees. I heard Sledge "that's a heavy machine gun! They destroy helicopters! I'm outta here!" I yelled over "Yeah, yeah, sure. Go on, good luck to you!" only for him to start running and have rounds strike by his feet causing him to fall back. Ash yelled "what happened?! You're back so soon?!" He yelled back "piss off!" I laughed before I heard ash "Im gonna put a CREM in a tree on the far side of the clearing! It'll buy us a couple second to pull out!"
I sighed before yelling "do it! I'll pull rear!" I saw ash pull her grenade launcher off its sling and level it. I took a few very deep breaths before the distinctive whirl was heard and then the detonation. The team broke from cover as I back out of mine firing rounds at the shapes in the late night fog. Eventually I figured the team was far enough away I could break off and regroup, I spun and started running holding my 416 by the heat guard as the masks broke through the fog and saw me running. I felt the jolts as rounds impacted around my feet, I half turned and fired some rounds in return before I continued to run. Eventually I reached a thick grove causing me to spin and drop to my stomach, I lifted my 416 switched to fully automatic and waited. I watched the masks run into the clearing and let my barrel heat up as the masks dropped dead, I pushed myself up and took off running again, I sighed "and now I'm separated from the team, in a radio dead zone, Fuck!"

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