Chapter 3 //preschool

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Kaminari POV

Current age: 4 / preschool

I'm currently in class the teacher is having us take a math test which honestly math isn't my best subject but lucky for me I was in preschool and still have my 16-year-old mind so division and addition will be a piece of cake

The teacher standing in front of the class and tells us we have 1 hour to complete everything and the ones who finish early can go to the field and practice their quirk which is exactly what I need

I finish the thing in 5 minutes and give my paper to the teacher "done" the class looks at me surprised seeing as I'm usually the last to finish
The teacher looks surprised but looked even more surprised when she looked at my paper "you may go "

My classmates looks shocked but more bitter "that's not fair he probably put random numbers" said one of the girls, the teacher spoke back "no actually he got them all right" the class looks in disbelief "so he cheated then" said one of the boys, the teacher looked at me and asks "what's 30 + 60" I would be lying if I said I didn't expect it welp better get it over with "90", "51+ 32" "83" I answered not even counting with my fingers like most kids do "ok what about 327-26" "301" the teacher just nods I just went to the field wanting to do training

The first thing that I do is try to focus my electricity from one finger to another, I tried to make a line of electricity between my pinky and thumb It was easier than I thought in 10 minutes I was able to do it with every finger from both hands

Then I tried with my left Pointer finger to my right pointer finger I Aline them together with a small gap in between

A few minutes later and it happed, I  tried to widen the gap between my fingers and saw the electricity kept flowing I kept doing this for 20 mins and at this point, some of my classmates finished and were now in the field with me, I guess they'd rather watch me instead than work on their own quirks which is what they're doing

I decided to turn it up a notch and impress my audience, I put my palms together and close my eyes as I deeply concentrate my electricity through my hands, I open my eyes and start to slowly separate my palms making a line of electricity with each finger pointer finger to Pointer finger, thumb to thumb, ring finger to ring finger middle finger to middle finger pinky to pinky all 5 line of electricity connect perfectly not fading away even when I widen the gap between hands


"your so cool Kaminari"

"How do you have so much control over your quirk? "

"yeah I can barely do anything with mine "

I was glad at the amount of progress I made in such a small amount of time

"hold on," one boy said before leaving a few moments later 5 teachers came with him all the teachers seemed to be amazed at what I was doing, even having their phones out recording me, I decided to spread my arm even further the yellow electricity not fading even a little bit

"I call this the lighting web " I proudly exclaimed

"Are you planning to be a hero? If so are you gonna use that move?" The bit said, he looked like he had stars in his eyes, I guess that's just how a kid will react whenever they see something cool

"Definitely! " I answered


When I got home I was greeted by my parents and my dad went and carried me in his arms "Oi, denki so your teacher sent us a video of you practising your quirk" he says in a very cheerful and happy way

My mom came and gave me a kiss on the cheek "that's right can you show us how you do it" my mom said obviously proud

"ok" I smiled and my dad put me down "look at my hands Ok?" I placed my palms together and shut my eyes focusing the electricity on my hands than I opened my eyes, I start to separate my palms forming a line of electricity in between each finger "Amazing future hero indeed" my dad complimented

I turn off my quirk and reach into my backpack " that's not all" I took out the math test paper earlier and showed it to them it even had the teacher's writhing saying that I finished it in 5 mins and how she asked me questions to make sure I wasn't cheating, and that I wasn't

"Oh My God I'm gonna cry," my mom said reading the paper "since when did our Denki become so smart, cmon let's go to your favourite restaurant to celebrate ok ", "Yay"

I can't believe it I'm even acting like a 4year old, my parents were always kind and loving and it's no different now but seeing them so proud made me 10x happier

*Two years later*

Me and my parents were at the playground they were getting some food when I heard a cry

"Stop it kacchan you're hurting him" I went over and saw 6-year-old Deku and bakugo and some other kids, behind Deku was a boy on the ground and bakugo had two other boys behind him I know I wasn't supposed to meet them so early but I can't just sit and watch Deku get bullied so I went and interfered "HEY!" I yelled catching their attention, "what do you want Blondie" bakugo said as Egotistic as ever "for you to stop Bullying them is what", oh yeah what are you gonna go about it " he punched his palm creating a small explanation "n-no you'll get hurt" Deku said, I can't bear to look at him, seeing bakugo do this to him made me mad so I started walking towards him activating my quirk, I had electricity flowing through my body but in order to look more intimidating I decided to generate more electricity causing my hair to stand up the tow boys behind bakugo gat scared and his behind a bush "w-well if your so tough fight me than" said bakugo which I will gladly accept his offer "sure" he got in a position opening his hands making tiny explosions

But then bakugo' parents show up
And saw the scene "Our Katsuki what's the meaning of this?!? " said her mom she was about to interfere but the man next to help told her not to

Third-person POV

Bakugo charged in but kaminari used his lighting web and in an instant kaminari clapped and the electricity he produced came flying forward bakugo causing him to get electrocuted the also causing him to fall backwards some kids watched this fight with their phones out not believing that bakugo lost seeing as he was unable to get up, kaminari turned off his quirk and went towards Deku "are you ok?", "yeah you were amazing, no one has ever defeated kacchan before "

"I haven't lost yet..." bakugo said trying to get back up but failing "I'm sorry I didn't mean for you to get hurt that bad, I'm sorry," kaminari said knowing full well that it would upset him but before he can throw a tantrum his mom picked him up from the shirt and left even thanking kaminari

Bakugo pov

"WHO THE HELL WAS THAT BLONDE ELECTRIC USER?! I'LL SHOW HIM PUT ME DOWN!!!!" Mitzuki was not having it today she hit bakugo in the head and yelled "SHUT UP, YOU LOST A FIGHT TO SOMEONE, LET IT GO! "

Two hours later, I was walking around the neighbourhood still mad about that blondie, then I see some of my classmates talking and I wanted to know what they were talking about, probably about how great I am like the usual

"Did you hear bakugo got into a fight with someone in the playground", " really?, I feel bad for whoever that was", "no I saw the fight and bakugo lost", " what no way", "yeah I saw it two the electricity guy was scary, he had electricity flowing through his body and his hair stood up when he used his quirk ", " yeah AND he defeated bakugo with one clap CRAZY", "for real? ", " yeah when he clapped electricity came at bakugo and bakugo wasn't able to get up", "I guess he isn't the best after all "

After hearing this I got even madder 'that electric blondie I'll show him' I clenched my fist and walked away angrily

New chance at life //Denki Kaminari Fanfic (Ft.Kamijirou) Where stories live. Discover now