Chapter 30 // Thoughts after thoughts

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Narrator POV

A meeting discussing the Shie Hassaikai was held, it involved a lot of pros and even pros in training

It was a very serious discussion and an Innocent little girl was at sake, two people drowned in regret but regardless, they needed to do what needed to be done

Midoriya POV

I sat in my room contemplating, after All Might told me about Sir Night eye's prediction about his death I've had a hard time thinking about other things, that and the situation with Eri, those two things wasn't something I could easily get my mind off

I wanted to become a hero who could save everyone that was within my reach, Eri was within my reach when she first asked me for help

I know I shouldn't doubt myself

 I shouldn't waste my time being depressed over things that already happened 

I know that, but it feels like everyone around me is exceeding, more and more people are surpassing me not just the ones I felt like were
the strongest threats

Every day I train my butt off to close the distance between me and them but they're not letting mm

'Young Midoriya, you can be a hero'

All of a sudden I'm not so confident in those words...

Every step I took forward they stepped two steps forward the distance isn't getting shorter it's getting wider


There are three people that I just can't compare to

I've been unable to focus after the meeting about Eri and Overhaul, it seemed like nothing makes sense anymore, you think that after how long I've been here in UA I would have accomplished something

While I did get better at controlling my quirk, what good is it when I haven't done anything useful with it


I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard someone knock on my door

"Come in" I answered

The door swung open and Uraraka entered my room

"Hey Deku" she said a bit hesitant for some reason

"Do you need something Uraraka? " I asked

"Not necessarily, Asui convinced me to check up on you"

"Check up on me? What do you mean?"

"Well a few of our friends noticed that you've been kinda down, and after that meeting a few hours ago I kinda know why"

I sighed and flopped myself on my bed "I haven't managed to save anyone at all, I guess I'm just feeling a bit useless right now" I said

"Even if you feel that way... Trust me you're not, I know it might be hard when things don't go as planned especially when it comes to your dreams but there will always be a few bumps on the road that's just how it is" she stopped for a moment and smiled at me

"And maybe you forgot or it slipped off your mind but you did save a few people, you saved Asui and Mineta when the League Of Villains took over the USJ not only that but you helped Iida fight stain... So please don't think you're not doing enough, you're doing a lot "

At that moment she sounded like a celestial angel coming to comfort me, tears streamed down my eyes but not a single sound came out of my mouth "Thank you Uraraka"

* * *

Kaminari POV

It was the middle of the night and the moon was out but instead of sleeping I was scrolling down my phone unable to sleep mostly because I was overthinking about the incoming mission, that's when I received a message

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