Chapter 23 // Fun Times

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Third person POV

After that incident a lot of articles were published about kaminari potentially being the next symbol of peace as well as All might's fight with AFO, both topics dominated the media

Meanwhile the school was discussing about adding a dorm system


Aizawa and All might were visiting each of 1A's houses trying their best to persuade their parents to letting their child live in the dorm system

Both are currently on their way to see kaminari and his folks

"This is gonna be a tough one" All might said looking down on his feet

"Yeah, I mean, their child did just get kidnapped, I'm not sure if Kaminari's parents will even consider and if they don't I don't blame them " said Aizawa

"Well... Maybe something unexpected will happen, you never know" All might replied

But at this point he was more nervous about meeting Kaminari's folks more than anything after all , he failed to protect him from being in the hands of villains

He also had mix feelings about kaminari basically helping him with his fight with AFO , he truly is an extraordinary kid

That final message he said after his fight with AFO was supposed to be for Midoriya but kaminari just so happened on be in the perfect place to make it look like it was directed to him , but he doesn't blame he kid, All might has been teaching Kaminari long enough to know that Kaminari isn't the type of kid to pull a publicity stunt to get attention

But at the same time he was worried about the kid, the media is not a very friendly place, he was worried that the media would put to much pressure on Kaminari , after all they have mistaken him to be his successor


He wouldn't mind if that was actually the case

He sees a lot of talent from young Kaminari and continuously sees that talent shine and grow with each passing day

He wouldn't like to admit it but, if he seen kaminari and Midoriya at the same time than he would have chosen kaminari to be his successor but nevertheless he has no regret on giving Midoriya OFA

"We've arrived" the driver Announced

Aizawa and All might looked at the building in front of them

"Why are we in an orphanage? " Aizawa asked

"This is where the address said" the driver said before opening the door for All might and Aizawa

Both of them walk inside the orphanage and saw kids running around  and playing most of them looked they they were under 10

"HEY LOOK IT'S ALL MIGHT! " one of the kids say before running towards him, soon enough all the kids surrounded them

"Kids give them some space" a woman that looked like she was in her 40s came in and approached All might and Aizawa

"Hi, you must be Kaminari's teachers, right this way " the woman instructed them to another room and they begin walking

"I guess you were right, something unexpected did happen , tho I didn't think id be this" Aizawa whispered to All might

"I guess" They entered the room the woman and All might and Aizawa sat across each other

"Now, let's get started, my name is Aiko Hinata, I'm the owner of this orphanage, our orphanage takes in children that became orphans due to their parents dying because of Villain attacks, Denki kaminari being one of them" the woman said

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