Chapter 25// planned and unplanned

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Kaminari POV

It's currently 6am and I am running on my treadmill, normally I would be outside for my morning run but I'm pretty sure AU won't be allowing us outside campus areas at this time

I showered , brushed my teeth and around 7am got down to have breakfast with my classmates

If I'm not mistaken today should be the day when we come up with our ultimate moves , I sat down with the rest of the males in our class and started eating

"Hey, do guys know what's going on with the girls? More specifically Mina and Momo" Sero asked before taking a bite of his toast

"Yeah they've been glaring at each other since this morning" Kirishima added

"Kamibro do you know anything? " Sero asked


"Yeah you, didn't you go shopping with them yesterday"

"Well.... There was this one time when we were at hot topic but they didn't really fight, they kinda just glared, than they proceeded to act weird after that"

"Let's not get into their business, this is probably personal matter therefore we have no right to intervene 👋👋" Iida said with his usual robotic hand gesture

///Meanwhile with the LOV////

The league of Villains were all resting in their hideout, Shigiraki was sat at the bar clenching his fists thinking about what happened in the kamino incident

The sight of his Master being taken away kept replaying in his mind like a broken record he hated it

"Shigiraki, calm down, you won't be able to think of our next attack with these kind of emotions " Kurugiri said while sitting across him, to him it looked like Shigiraki was about to throw a tantrum

"Shut up, did you gather some information about this electric user?" Shigiraki asked

Denki Kaminari, he found a deep hatred towards the boy with that name, Shigiraki was annoyed at the electric user after the USJ incident but after what happened in kamino that annoyance turned to hate

In a way Kaminari helped All might fight against AFO, shigiraki kept on thinking what would have happened if the brat wasn't there, wound AFO have won? If the electric user wasn't there than maybe AFO wouldn't be in Tartarus

These thoughts and questions that kept popping up in his head made him hate the blonde even more

"Yes Sir, his full name is 'Denki Kaminari' quirk 'Electrification' he can produce electricity and discharge it but after deciding to experiment on his abilities he was able to do a lot more" (Kurugiri)

"And? " (Shigiraki)

"He was born in Osaka Japan and was under the Kodomodachi orphanage until the recent dorm system in UA, His parents were killed by in a villain attack when he was in his second year of middle school" (Kurugiri)

After hearing that a wicked grin appeared on Shigiraki's face

"So... This kid's an orphan.... Tell me more about this....Villain" Shigiraki's grin grew wider

"He goes by the name of blood brick and he was last seen in Tokyo when he ambushed a kinder garden and killed every single person that was there including all the children" Kurugiri added

"All right, I've heard enough.... Why don't we pay our new friend a visit "

 Why don't we pay our new friend a visit "

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New chance at life //Denki Kaminari Fanfic (Ft.Kamijirou) Where stories live. Discover now