Chapter 34//False light

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"I time traveled"


'what the fuck?'

"Huh?" I tilt my head in confusion and stare directly at him

"I know, I know, sounds crazy but listen here Midoruya-kun, I'm not the great person that you think I am "

"Kaminari-kun... are you sure you're ok? I- I mean I'm sure they did a lot of this to you so-"

"It's not like that, Midoriya... I'm telling the truth" he sighed and looked around for a bit, when he confirmed that it was only us left he looked me straight in the eyes

"In my first lifetime... I was pathetic, my grades were terrible, I couldn't handle my quirk properly and kept frying my brain"

"Frying your brain?"

"Yeah, my brain gets fried when I discharge too much electricity and I turn into a stupid dunce"

"I don't believe you"

"I don't expect you to, but anyways... One day our dorms got attacked and this mysterious guy came in and said some stuff about taking over the world by going back in time, long story short I attacked him and got sent back in time instead of him, like I said, I used to be quite pathetic, so I wanted to change, I trained, studied, and worked out as much as I could, and now we're here"

"But that would mean that you knew about certain events like the league of villains attacking the USJ! or All Might's retirement"

"I did, I knew everything, I knew that tragedy would struck but in a way I also kinda cheated, don't you think? "

'I couldn't really process what was happening, why was he telling me all anyway? He doesn't seem like he was lying based on his body language and how he speaks, but if he is telling the truth...'


'Then what about that villain? what is he doing now? does that mean he'll show up in the dorms again? then that just means time being rewind is inevitable unless he's found and stopped'


'But if that's the case at least we know it's gonna happen, at least Kaminari-kun does, Damn it things are much worse than I thought, I really need to get stronger... and face-'



"You were mumbling gain"

"was I? sorry about that"

"No worries, You're probably curious why I told you all this aren't you?"

"Well yeah, I mean it's not every day someone tells you they went back in time"

"Well, don't doubt yourself too much, in the first timeline you were a cheerful ray of sunshine that anyone could trust and it was you who everyone in class-1A turned to when the battle gets tough, don't you see Midoriya? I'm not the great future pro everyone makes me out to be, I went back in time and used my knowledge about the future to make sure that in this timeline, it was me who always came first, not you, not Bakugo, not Todoroki, I knew about all the tragic incidents that have happened till now, all of them, so please... stop thinking so highly of me, because if I wasn't given such an opportunity I would still be just as pathetic"

he turned around and I just looked at him until I could no longer see him, I'm not sure what message he was trying to deliver to me, but somehow I admire him more.


Well, that was a show, seriously what happened to my self-promise of never telling anyone? I shouldn't worry too much because it was Midoriya who I told but still, I hope he doesn't end up hating m-


A huge gust of wind blew me away until I crashed into a tree "aawww... what in the name of all might was that?"

"So this is where you were you were" I looked up from the ground and saw some one I was not ready to meet


"Surprise" weird gray gue formed around his body, he launched it towards me and as they came my way they quickly turned in to red hard bricks, I rolled out the way and got into a fighting stance


A wave of mixed emotions hit Denki like a bulldozer, It was him, It was really him! the face that he saw on TV that day was something engraved in his mind and now that face was starring back at him in person with the same twisted look he had while he massacurred random people on the street, two of those people beeing his parents

Denki was mad, he was sad- depreesed even, he wanted to kill him, he wanted to fry him from the inside out until he was nothing more than burned bones and ashed skin, but he couldn't, because somewhere in him was a scared little boy that didn't know how to face his parents killer, he was afraid and felt like his feet glued to the ground, but he wanted revenge, he wanted to kill

"You Bastard..."he said unchraristically quiet "IM GOING TO FUCKING KILL YOU!!!"


With that, a volley of bricks seemed to appear out of thin air and charged right at him, Denki gets on his feet and dodges before it was his turn to attack, streaks of electricity emitted from his finger tips and flue towards the villain but unfortunately it only took a wall of bricks to cancel out Denkis attack

"Whats wrong? wheres the great hero, one that is said to secceed All Might I kept hearing about?"

'All Might... Theres no way someonelike me can ever live up to his legacy, I am after all, just a false glimmer of light'


That moment, his anger, his sadness, his guilt, and his terror... Too much... It was all too much, Denki felt himself about to explode, as if there was a ticking time bomb inside of him that wanted nothing more than to erupt, or like a balloon that had too much air and needed to pop


An aury of colorful electricity could be seen miles away from the sky, millions of volts of electricity
covered miles of land, it was too much... everyting was too much... he was too much, he didn't like what was going on, he himself didn't know what was going on

Denki opened his eyes, he was still and everything was so bright it was blinding but then he felt a familliar tingling in his body

'What... whats happening? Is this... all comming from me?'

Denkis eyes widened in realization 'NO! NO NO NO NO PLEASE NO! STOP MAKE IT STOP! MAKE IT STOP!'

He tried to stop it, he really did, but all his emotions right now where pouring out along with his electricity, he didnt even know he had this much in him!

'It burns! it burns so badly! please... Deku... my friends... everyone, theyre all in cross fire... please... someone... make it stop...'


Hello my lovelies! This is a chapter! I'll post the next one next Friday!

I am still quite unstable but Denki's more instable here so I'll just let me be

Anyways this chapter is only leading up to a bigger explosion so stick around 🙂

New chance at life //Denki Kaminari Fanfic (Ft.Kamijirou) Where stories live. Discover now