Chapter 29// Work Studies

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Third-person POV

Kaminari stood in front of a 15 story building who belongs to none other than the pro called Insight

The hero Insight was well known around Kaminaris' hometown, he doubled as a hero and a detective who deals with the cities most complicated cases, Kaminari thought that working with him with detective work would be better just to level his knowledge on the playing field

He walked into the building and there he saw the man himself

"Hey kiddo welcome," said Insight with a wide smile

Insight has brunette hair that fades to black, he wore a long brown dress coat with a back belt, black dress pants, brown shoes, and a dark blue police cap

"What's your hero name?" He asked

"Oh, it's Chargebolt" I said with confidence

"Chargebolt huh, pretty catchy anyways let me introduce you to two of the people you'll be working with" he said

"This is Cybot," he said pointing at a robot looking man, he looked like he has metal body parts with streaks of dark blue leading up to his neck

"And this is Dreamwalker" he continued, pointing at a beautiful looking woman, she has black and purple hair that flowed through the wind and ruby shade eyes and a blank expression on her face

There were other people there but all of them belonged to the police force considering their uniform meaning Cybot and Moonwalker were probably the only other pros

"Nice to meet you," Kaminari said politely

"You two can go back to work, I'm gonna take the kid to my office" Insight said, the two nodded and went back to their working station

When Kaminari and Insight went inside his office the first thing the blonde noticed was a giant bulletin board

Insight took a thin folder from under his desk and opened it taking a picture out of the folder that showed a normal modern looking house and stuck it to the bulletin board using a thumbtack

"Do you mind me asking what this is?" Kaminari said pointing at the bulletin board

"This..." He transferred his gaze from the blonde to the bulletin board and looked at it in hesitation

"This is something that I can't tell you about yet" he answered

"But what I can tell you are the streets that you'll be patrolling with cybot and Dreamwalker " he continued


Kaminari POV

It was around 7 pm, not even ten minutes into patrol and there was already an attack

Two dudes were causing destruction using their quirks, one of them took control of any vehicle he could and started playing with them like a toddler with their brand new toys, thankfully/hopefully there aren't any planes flying over

Cybot was quick to take control of the situation and got people out of their vehicles with a move that he calls <Robot tentacle arms > The villain started getting angry as we quote on quote " ruined his playtime" and started crashing cars into each other, obviously the crashed cars caught on fire making everyone panic and try to run away as quickly as possible

And the other one made the ground wobble as if it was jello to which moonwalker fought while hovering on air

'This is gonna be my official public debut, I'm so excited It's scary'

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