Chapter 4 // Time line

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Kaminari POV

It was the last week of my third-year middle school and needless to say everything was the complete opposite of last time

I was not getting bullied and even became one of the 'popular kids' I was no longer dead last in my studies matter of fact I was the top student in my class I got rid of my tardy sleep schedule and started sleeping at 9 pm and waking up at 6 am, I go out for a jog every morning (no matter what wheatear, even in the snow/rain) than have breakfast after

I also started reading books about the human body or just the human brain in general mostly so that I can avoid Shotcircuting and so that my body doesn't feel like a bitch every time I use my quirk

Although... Not everything changed for the better......

Third-person POV

Kaminari was standing in front of his front door after getting back from school, he opened the door to see a dark room "I'm home" he said with a depressing voice

//Flashback Two years ago//

Kaminari POV

I was sitting in my living room balling my eyes out, "why? " I kept repeating that word to myself over and over again

"Breaking news only 10 minutes ago a villain going by the name blood brick raided the streets killing two civilians, the names are Aiko kaminari (dad) and Chinami Kaminari (mom) " The news reporter said

It all happened so quickly they told me that they were gonna go out to buy some of the materials that I need for next week's competition that I was chosen to participate in, and now this happened, my parents didn't die, they were still alive when I got excepted to UA they even watched me in the school festival,

I mean I wasn't book smart originally so they never needed to go out like that before but now it's different, I changed the timeline and now my parents are dead, a part of me wished that none of this ever happened, wishing that I kept everything like it was originally, I was always close to my parents, they loved me unconditionally even with all my flaws even my I was rock bottom at my studies, they just told me to keep trying and that when I see an opportunity, take it

I spent the next couple of hours crying
'I'll be a hero and then I'll get revenge on that villain who killed my parents just you wait and see blood brick just you wait and see'

//End of flashback//

After that villain attack, my thrive to become a hero grew stronger, I wanted to make my parents proud now that there watching me from above, they thought me so much not just about working hard but also about kindness, my parents are no doubt the kindest people I'll ever meet and I wanna be just like them, I will take the kindness that they thought me into heroism, I didn't want to become arrogant now that I've grown stronger and smarter, I wanted to help people, I'm gonna be a hero that my parents are proud of ...

Ahh yes it wouldn't be a real hero story unless the main protagonist has something tragic happen

New chance at life //Denki Kaminari Fanfic (Ft.Kamijirou) Where stories live. Discover now