Chapter 22 // The Symbol Of Peace

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Third person POV

Soon after the Teachers along with the cops arrived but it was to late, the Villains have already gotten away

A few students were injured because moonfish and muscular decided to attack them those students were Midoriya, Asui, Tokoyami, Kendo , Uraraka ,Honenuki, Sato Mina, Shishida and Kamakiri

They didn't see Kaminari directly go with them but just the marble that Compress said he was in , so naturally some said that it might have just been a bluff so they went looking for Kaminari hoping he was still somewhere in the camp, but there was no luck

Some cops arrived and got some information about Compresses quirk and they concluded that Kaminari was for a fact kidnapped


The members of 1A that wasn't injured all went to Midoriya's room (seeing as he was the most injured) after hearing he was allowed visitors again


Kirishima has gotten quite close to Kaminari, right now he considers him as a friend, that's why it angered him to know that one of his friends was kidnapped, he wanted to do something..... He wanted to get his friend back ......

It was similar to Todoroki's case he wasn't as close to him as Kirishima but ever since the sports festival he was pretty sure that they considered each other as friends

Midoriya has also gotten close to Kaminari, Sure he was jelous of him a lot of times but he realized that, that was just him being insecure, Kaminari was a great guy, he has a great quirk, amazing control and usage of it , he has a great personality and always had a smile on his face, he was also recognized by All might, so now instead of envying him he admired him as a classmate, friend and rival, so naturally we wanted to go with Kirishima and his crazy plan

Yaoyorozu and Jirou had both caught feelings for the blonde and couldn't imagine what the villains would do to him , just like originally Yaoyorozu had put a tracker on one of the villains with the help if Awase from class1B she was more than happy to help Kirishima with his crazy plan, Jirou came knowing that her quirk would be great help , it was odd for her normally she wouldn't engage in something like this but she'd be lying if she said she wasn't worried

Iida did not like the Idea of his classmates putting their lives at risk , Although he understands why they want to do this ,he wasn't going to lie to himself, like everyone else he was also worried , Iida has great respect for Kaminari, he gained even more respect for him after the school festival but that was a different story, in the end he decided to go along with them to make sure they don't end up doing something against the rules

Bakugo wanted nothing to do with this....


After some time Kaminari woke up

Kaminari POV

As soon as I opened my eyes I saw Villains, I looked around and saw that I was tied up and was in some sort of bar 'Is this... Their hide out?'

'Hold on, why am I tied up in their hide out?!,..... Did they... Kidnap me instead of Bakugo? '

'But how?, I don't remember anything, there was this loud bang and the- WHAT THE HELL?!, HOW THE HELL DID I GET KIDNAPPED?!, I TRAINED WEEKS FOR THIS, I DIDN'T EVEN GET TO FIGHT, I WAS ASLEEP! DAMNIT! '


"Hey, looks like our guest has woken up"

I looked over to to Kurugiri who broke the silence

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