Chapter 26 // What to do

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Kirishima POV

I followed at Bakugo who went on his own when we stumbled on one of the Shiketsu students and unsurprisingly Bakugo started yelling at him

We were about to fight when all of a sudden...


A massive wave of electricity shocked us making us fall down

'What the hell?! what was that attack? Was it from these meatball people on the floor?'

Either way, I have to get up, good thing I'm practically a rock

"W-hat the hell was that? " I looked at Bakugo who was struggling to get up , I came over to help him get up

"GET YOUR HANDS OFF ME SHITTY HAIR!! " he shoved my hands off him

I saw that Shiketsu guy was also on the floor

"Hurry, before he gets up"

Third person POV

Kaminari was breathing heavily not even realizing the massive wave of electricity he caused

"OI, KAMINARI!! " Kaminari looked over at Iida and Aoyoma

"C'mon let's re-group " Iida yelled

Kaminari finally got out of his thoughts and went with them "o-ok"

The three of them were running to find more people when Iida spoke "That sudden discharge of electricity, was that you, kaminari? "

"Huh? " he than recalled what happened after that unpleasant scenario

Just amazing, his quirk acted up without him even realizing it

"Y-yeah, sorry" Kaminari said 

"Don't worry about it , Fortunately me and Aoyoma were behind some big rocks so we managed to avoid it, although I'm not sure about the others " Iida exclaimed

"My my, what could have possibly caused you to release such an attack"Aoyoma asked looking at Denki

"Sorry, I ran into someone and what they did kinda got to my head"


They managed to group up with most of class 1A thanks to Aoyoma's lazer this also means that the other schools now knew their location but it was no problem , Long story short class 1A kicked their ass

They went to the Ante room to wait for the next round some of class 1A was already there like Todoroki, Bakugo and Kirishima

"Alright we passed!! " Sero exclaimed excitedly

"Hold on- where's Yaomomo and Ashido? " Kirishima asked

"I don't know, I didn't see them with us" Sato said

"Do you think they're ok? " Asui asked

"Don't worry, both Yaomomo and Ashido are pretty strong, they should be alright" Uraraka exclaimed

----------- Meanwhile a few minutes ago after they got separated----------

Mina wandered around trying to find anyone of her classmates , she was running around not really looking at where she was going until she bummed into someone

She looked at the person she bummed into and long and behold it was Yayorozu

"Yaomomo? "

"Ashido-san? "

They both stood there annoyed at each other for who knows why

"Let's just go and look for our other classmates" Yaomomo said

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