The Makeover [6]

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The Makeover

Change does not roll in on the wheels of inevitability, but comes through continuous struggle. And so we must straighten our backs and work for our freedom. A man can't ride you unless your back is bent. – Martin Luther King, Jr.


                                   Rosalie Johnson

How could she be so rude? A part of me suspected that this would happen. I suspected it from the moment when I accepted. Ever since then I began to prepare myself for her outright anger. For as long as I had known Amber, she herself had been trying to become a model. However, every agency had rejected her. 

The question was why? She was beautiful. She had blonde hair, bright blue eyes and a killer body. She does everything she can to make herself look perfect. Then there was me who barely tries, or doesn't care, and what happened? I get offered to be on a cover of magazine was what happened.

I won't lie and say I wasn't excited. I realized that there are hundreds, maybe even thousands of girls who would kill to have what I was offered. Especially since I would be posing with Ashton, but Robert didn't really say Davis agreed to it though.

Huh, Davis?

I thought about the name for a moment. Ashton Davis. Could it - would it? Nah, that's just wishful thinking.

Shaking my head, I leaned onto the back of my chair. I had every right to be mad at Amber. She should be supporting me. However, I can't blame her reaction. I could only imagine how she felt. Ripping a piece of paper out of my notebook, I began to doodle as my first period went on and on. Science should be fun, not boring.

"Ms. Johnson," my head snapped up to see my teacher staring at me with a disgruntled expression, her lips pursed into a thin line. Damn, I must be in trouble. What did I do? Then I realized she probably noticed me doodling in my notebook instead of listening to her explain how to calculate current. I've done it so many times, it almost felt like a chore to do.

"Yes, Mrs. Jupel?" I asked kindly. Oh, I hope I'm not in trouble. I had been in two detentions already, if I got another it would be a call home and that's something I did't want. I could picture it now. My mom waiting for me at the front door, her pale brown eyes filled with anger, preparing the best lecture she should come up with and punishment to go with it.

"You're wanted in the office."

The office? Damn, that's worse than a call home. I watched her eyes slide to the open door, and for the first time I realized someone was standing in it. But it wasn't just anyone. It was Davis. He hadn't changed, his hood hung low over his face, his legs clad in dark jeans, and his hands shoved into the pockets.

"Why?" I asked curiously.

The teacher gave me what looked like a shrug, and made a shooing motion before returning her attention back to the class.

Slowly, I got up from my desk, grabbing my stuff. I felt so awkward right now; I swear everyone was looking at me. Though I shouldn't be surprised. I was getting called down to the office for some unknown reason and was being escorted by Davis no less. It was sure to become the talk of school once this got out.

Walking to the door, Davis turned on his heel and started down the hallway, his pace quick. If he didn't want to be around me, he couldn't have made it more obvious unless  he said it outright.  

"Hey, slow down," I called after him, clutching my stuff to my chest as I tried to keep up. He didn't respond.

Turning a sharp corner, I followed, only to be pushed against the wall, my stuff falling to the ground with a thud.


"What the hell do you think you're doing?" He hissed, his voice low and dangerous. My eyes widened. What is he talking about? And what am I doing? I did nothing – he's the one pinning me against the wall! Though I can't really complain.

"Answer me," he demanded, I huffed out angrily and tried to struggle away from him. What's with guys manhandling me all of sudden? First it was Damien, now it was Davis. What was wrong with these people? I do absolutely nothing and somehow I end up being punished. Like what is this?

"Let go of me," I panted. My attempts to escape were pointles and it really showed because he barely budged an inch. In fact, I think I saw him smirk at my pitiful attempts. What was he, a sadist? It would explain why Damien wants me to stay away from him, though I wouldn't know how he would know, but why was this all sudden?

He finally let go of me roughly. I couldn't see his eyes, but I could feel him glaring at me. Sucking in deep breath, I went to kick him where it hurts, but he caught my leg easily and simply laughed. "Feisty," he muttered before yanking me from the wall into an empty classroom. Oh, I'm so confused.

"What are you doing?" I asked as he closed the door. Cue the warning bells.

"Why is that whenever I try to live a normal life, something always goes wrong?" He laughed, but it was dry and empty. Slowly he reached up and pulled his hoodie back ever so slightly. I couldn't see much of his face, but I could see his eyes in the casted shadow. They were a stormy grey that sent chills up my spine. But it wasn't just the color; it was the emotion behind it. There was anger, confusion and something that just screamed trouble.

A part of me twitched to reach up and pull the hood right off to reveal the rest of him, but I refrained from doing so. He already seemed angry. I didn't want to make him even more anger then he already was.

"You know Robert." It wasn't a question, but a fact. He walked closer to me, and his hands reached out and grabbed my own. I let him, even after what he just did. It was foolish of me really. I should report him to the office, but for now, I'll let it be.

"Rosalie, whatever you're doing, stop. Nothing good ever comes out of this. Trust me, you'll regret it," he said softly as his hands traveled up my arm to my face, caressing it ever so gently.

"Back out while you still have the chance," he muttered before he swooped down, catching me in a kiss. It was different from Damien's. It was softer, and sweeter. It was a kiss that made your blood boil, and had you panting for more. I tried to comprehend what he had said, but I couldn't. At this moment I couldn’t care less about what he said as long as he was kissing me.

I gripped his arm tightly as I felt his arms slide down to wrap itself around my waist pulling me impossibly closer. Deep down I felt bad, and altogether stupid. Here I was kissing a guy I barely knew, let alone knew what he looked like. But it made me want him all the more. I finally understood how his mysteriousness made him attractive, how his status was somehow higher than mine. It was the danger, and the unknown that made women and men want to be around him. However, it was the darkness that radiated from him that made him untouchable.

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