The Makeover [1]

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The Makeover

"I don't know. Just because someone's pretty doesn't mean she's decent. Or vice versa. I'm not into appearances. I like flaws, I think they make things interesting." – Sarah Dessen

                                      Rosalie Johnson

It was mid-December, and Christmas was right around the corner. Of course, like any other person, I was happy. I mean, who wouldn't want free gifts? I know I did.

Anyways, even though Christmas was just a few days away, school was still in session. This, in my opinion, sucked.

I heaved an audible sigh and leaned against my locker. Why wouldn’t this day just end already? I needed something to keep me entertained until the third period bell rang. I looked around the hallway with a bored expression, searching for anything that might catch my eye.

"Hey, Rosie," I had turned my head lazily to eye my friend Amber. Amber was a tall, gorgeous, beach blond girl who I swore partied more than anyone I knew. However, her wild antics had made her a fun person to hang around.

"Hey, Ambs," I muttered back and I had wondered for a moment why she was grinning so widely. I thought maybe she had won the lottery or something and suddenly had the heart to share it with me. I snorted in amusement. I wished.

"What's up?" I asked curiously before I had gone back to searching the hallways like a predator. My eyes went from one person to the next before they landed on someone who had caught my attention.

Oh, Mr. Cuttie at twelve o'clock.

"Oh, don't act like you don't know," Amber squealed. She gave me a knowing look. I knew this couldn't be good. Anything that Amber got involved in always turned bad.

Even though Amber was gorgeous, people tended to stay away from her because she was a trouble maker. Everyone always laughd when I said it because Amber always acted so sweet, but I was being absolutely serious.

When Amber was "popular" she had convinced her friends to help trash her ex-boyfriend’s car in the school's parking lot. To make a long story short, they accidently trashed the princibal’s car, which earned them three months of detention and suspension.

Now, being a girl that had no friends due to my awful looks, Amber was the closest thing to a friend I could ever get. However, she knew how to get on my nerves quite easily.

"You're staring at him," she grinned, nudging me in the shoulder.

"I wasn't staring at him," I had shot back as I chanced a quick glance at exactly the person I “wasn’t staring at”.

The person who had caught my attention was no other then Damien Lovettes. Damien was the hottest guy at our school and probably the only one who hadn't made fun of me yet.

He had the brightest blue eyes that I had ever seen and sometimes, in certain lighting, his eyes would look like a metallic silver. He was just too gorgeous for his own good.

"See, you're doing it again. I'm starting to think that someone has a crush on Mr. Hunk over there," Amber teased, wiggling her eyebrows suggestively.

I rolled my eyes. Somebody kill me now! But of course, no one was there to actually grant my wish, so I was left to drown in my own misery.

I sighed and opened my locker, trying to busy myself so I didn't have to respond to Amber. But Amber wasn't having any of it. Of course she wasn't, she was Amber.

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