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The apartment was filled with the noise of the shower, the steam smearing the glass door in the effulvium. To anyone else, it would've been a typical Friday afternoon but not for Wonho. He had received a phone call, earlier from his best friend, Shownu.

Plausibly, he was back in town and had suggested that it would be great to meet up with the gang. It has been four long years since they all met up. Wonho had agreed and so it was planned for later this afternoon to meet up at a karaoke bar.

Clearing up the steamy closure Wonho ran out fast getting ready for the anticipated outing. He had reached his abode a few minutes ago and now was already tugged into a pair of black, ripped jeans paired with a black, long-sleeved and tight dress shirt. He paired them with a leather jacket and combat boots.

He went closer to the mirror, fixing his hair with gentle brush of his fingers. He sighed once he saw the dark roots of his hair starting to peek out. He made a mental note to redye his roots silver and the ends with blue extents. A smile stretched onto his lips once he was satisfied with the look.

He stepped out of his apartment only to halt and come into contact with something soft, cold and white. It melted and vanished almost immediately. He tilted his head back to look up at the sky, his smile now widened into a grin.

The first snowfall of the year, a magical time in Seoul. You could easily spot many couples rushing through the city and families going out for dinner. Friends hanging out together at the arcade down the street and some enjoying corndogs at a street vendor.

Wonho was happy, there was no lie to tell for his smile didn't waver one bit. But a wave of anxiousness was within him for he was hoping that a certain somebody won't be there. He shook the thoughts of his head, he had agreed that it was time for him to move on.

Wonho got into the right karaoke room and saw the whole gang, already there. IM, Jooheon, Minhyuk, Hyungwon and Shownu cheered and waved him over. The room exerted the overloaded energy as they hugged and sat down, getting into a little chitchat while waiting for their last friend, Kihyun.

Jooheon and Shownu exchanged a similar, worried glance about Kihyun coming to the meeting since he and Wonho don't have one of the best friendships at the moment. Hyungwon had cracked a joke and they were all laughing when the door to their karaoke room swung open.

There walks in Kihyun with a girl by his side. She froze in her tracks as she looked up at everyone. Even her breath was shaky as she breathed out. "Hoseok."

Wonho's mien didn't waver and he returned her greeting with ease. "Hey, Hina. Kihyun. Long time no see."

An awkward silence followed and IM pursed his lips before shifting in his seat and picking up the mic to pass over to Wonho.

"Hey, why don't you sing first? It's been so long." IM says.

Wonho chuckled and took the mic from him with a light grin. He brought it close to his face and parted his lips.

His eyes scanned the cubicle and soon jumped over to Hina before the vocals started flowing in ease.


Hope you guys like this new short story. Don't be a silent reader show some love, vote and leave a comment.

A big shout out to my two lovies @wineisredder and @inky_jin for all your help with this story.

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