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Don't tell me that your love is gone

Don't tell me that your love is gone

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Shownu's birthday was coming up soon and Wonho decided to throw him a surprise party. So he phoned up the gang, including Kihyun to help him set up and have this huge party for Shownu. After he had contacted everyone, Wonho hesitated for a moment, his thumb hovering above Kihyun's contact.

“I don't care that we don't see eye to eye,” Was Wonho's first words after Kihyun had picked up. “At the end of the day, Shownu is more important to us than anyone else.”

So having put their differences aside, everyone got together to throw the party. Spending approximately two weeks together planning and prepping, Kihyun and Wonho were able to mend their friendship and go back to old times.

Hina and Wonho never got to have that talk about why her behaviour suddenly changed back to how it used to be when she cheated on him with Kihyun. Because she seemed to be around a bit more often so Wonho allowed it to slide. He was just happy that she was now there with him because he truly did, deeply love her.

Everything has been going well and for the first time, Wonho was genuinely happy with his life and the outcomes. On the day of the party, everything had played out smoothly, the way they wanted.

Shownu was so surprised that once he arrived home from work, he had thrown his bag into the darkness as a weapon, expecting it to hit an intruder only for the bag to smack Hyungwon straight in the face.

The boy sulked for an hour straight.

As the afternoon diluted into the night, they played a drinking game. When Jooheon offered Hina a drink, she had declined it which set a confusing buzz in the gang. Hina was the biggest drinker of them all and she would never say no to a drink.

Wonho glanced over to her, his hand protectively clasping her own. “Is everything okay?”

She gave him a reassuring smile. “I'm just not feeling well, I should probably go to bed.”

Wonho nodded, kisses her on the forehead and watched as she walked into the guest room which was practically hers since she used it whenever visiting her brother, Shownu. The boys continued to play another around, drinking and eventually fell asleep on Shownu's living room's floor. 

The next morning, Wonho had woken up before everyone else and decided to check on how Hina's feeling. Pushing the door open to her room, he peeked inside and realised she wasn't there. Allowing himself to wander inside, Wonho took in the sight of how Hina had truly made the room represent herself.

From fairy lights dangling from the window shutters to the family portraits by the nightstand, it was as if she lived her instead of her apartment. Wonho plopped down on her unmade bed and waited for Hina from wherever she went, to come back.

That was when his eyes caught sight of something in the see-through bin. His brows furrowed and he refused to believe it. Getting off the bed and inching closer for a better look, Wonho picked up the white little stick in his hand.

A positive pregnancy test.

The shattering of glass shook him out of his skin and he looked up to see Hina by the door. She had let a glass of water slip from her hand as her eyes stayed glued on the pregnancy test in Wonho's hand.

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Big shout out to my lovelies

RihisNation7 for the beautiful banner

wineisredder and inky_jin for helping me with this story

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