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That your love is gone

That your love is gone

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Wonho's hadn't even realised that the tears were raining down on his cheeks as he looked at Hina. He didn't know what to think, how he felt nor the pain grasping at his heart. He only knew four words at the moment.

“Who's baby is it?”

Hina's eyes widened a glossy shine to her eyes from the built-up tears. She stammered and stumbled over her words, muttering out low and incoherent words that Wonho wanted nothing of. She stepped back and out of the room while he stepped forward. The shattered glass pieces digging into her bare feet.

The boys were awake and came rushing to the scene, having heard the impact of the glass connecting with the ground and breaking. But what shocked them all was witnessing an angry Wonho and a sobbing Hina.

They looked at each other, wondering what had happened. Shownu was the one who stepped forward, trying to diffuse the negative energy in this situation and calm Wonho down. But despite the reassuring squeeze he gave Wonho on the shoulder, the boy was still fuming with rage and hurt.

“What happened?” Shownu questioned, looking between Wonho and his sister.

With a flick of his wrist, Wonho threw the pregnancy test at Hina. The small stick skidding to a stop by her feet.

“Who's baby is it?!” If it was possible, Wonho's raised voice would've been able to rattle the house's windows.

Hina merely whimpered and stayed quiet. Wonho tilted his head to look at Kihyun, his eyes showing no show of emotion.

“Did you have sex with her again? Did you knock my girlfriend up?” Wonho interrogated, his voice dangerously calm.

“I-It can't be my child... I'm s-sure if that—” Kihyun stopped mid-sentence and looked at Hina. She looked over at him too but with a sad, solemn expression. “Is it m-my child...?”

Hina broke down crying at that and Wonho couldn't help but start laughing. A peal of cold, hurt laughter.

“Really Hina, again? I can't believe what an idiot I am, to let you back into my life! Only for you to break me the same way. I was happy and you destroyed me,” Wonho shook his head as if this was all his imagination and it would dissolve. “You came back into my life and destroyed everything good I've had in it. I had believed you when you said you changed because I loved you. I gave you a second chance and this is what you do? You continue sleeping with my friend and got pregnant by him.”

“B-but,” Kihyun stumbled, his eyes wavering in nervousness and shock. “It can't be true because we haven't had sex for two months.”

“Two months?” Wonho shouted, his breathing uneven and ragged. “I was dating her two months ago! You knew I was dating her and you went and did this! I can't believe I let you back into my life this way.”

Wonho glanced over to Hina, his face rid of every expression. “You two deserve each other. I hope you make each other miserable. Just as you made me miserable.”

Wonho turned away from everyone and headed to the door but Hina wasn't going to let that happen. She ran after him, grasping the material of his shirt between her fingers.

“Wonho, please—”

“No, I said I was done the last time,” Wonho shook himself free from her. “I should've just stayed away. I can't keep doing this, Hina. I deserve to be happy too. And you're not making me happy, you're just breaking me even more. I may have been broken but you shattered me to bits. You always said love is a dagger. And I guess it is because you keep stabbing me with it.”

Wonho ran a hand through his hair and glanced back at Kihyun then Hina. “Have a good life, Hina.”

Those were Wonho's last words as he walked out the door. Going straight to a bar to drink his sorrows away. Sitting on the stool by the counter, Wonho rubbed his eyes dry. The sensitive burn was there and he rubbed his eyes more, wanting to feel that burning pain so it could counter and overtake the amount of pain he felt in there.

“Anything strong.” Wonho had said once he noticed a shadow of a figure on his line of view.

They had placed something in front of him and Wonho took it without a second thought to gulp it down but he spat it out, next to him. Luckily no one was seated there yet. With a grumble, he placed the glass of water back down and was ready to protest when looked up at the bartender who served him and sees a gorgeous redhead.

“Penny for your thought?” She asked, leaning forward with interest.

Wonho merely shook his head, saying no. Not wanting to go into details for it would only break him down more. He didn't want to think about Hina. He didn't want to think about Kihyun. He didn't want to think at all.

“You know,” She began, her eyes flickering around his own, searching for something. “Bartenders are the best listeners. I'm here if you're willing to talk. The name's Scarlett.”

Wonho smiled at her. Maybe spilling his entire life story to an absolute stranger may just be what he needs.

“Hoseok.” He introduces himself and began to tell her everything from the beginning.

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Big shout out to my lovelies

RihisNation7 for the beautiful banner

wineisredder and inky_jin for helping me with this story

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