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Stay here one more time

Stay here one more time

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"Please, Oppa!" The little girl whined, draping herself around the boy's arm as he silently dragged himself to the kitchen.
Little girls always have their way out!

"Can't we just go tomorrow? Eomma and Appa can take you" He tried to reason with her but the girl proceeded to procure the biggest puppy eyes.

Rolling his eyes, he sighed despite a smile forming on his lips. "Okay fine."

"Really?! Yay!" She cheered, squeezing him in a hug.

"But why do you want to go all the time?" He questioned, walking to the door to slip on his sneakers.

"Because~" She sang, hopping to the door and pulling it open herself, "I meet a certain somebody!"

It had been approximately two months since she had been visiting the park to meet her new best friend. It had now become a part of her routine. Unfortunately, her parents weren't available which led to her last resort.

"It's so bright, today!" She complimented the blue sky as she went running into the park.

She halted in her tracks to scan the area and it immediately found his figure, sitting on the swing. She grins and starts sprinting up to him.

"Hoseok!" She called out.

The little boy turned his head, smiling at the sound of her voice. But it was too late for him to comprehend her next movements since he was already knocked onto the ground by her bear hug.

"H-Hina, hello!" He greets, a throaty laugh escaping his lips after getting the air knocked out of him.

Hina gets off his thin frame and points to an approaching boy, behind her. "Hoseok, meet my older brother!"

He gets up from the ground, dusting himself before glancing behind Hina. His eyes widen in shock.



The two said, simultaneously. Their mouths were left ajar, gaping at each other. They were just as surprised as the other. Hina looked back and forth, between them in confusion.

"Do you two know each other?" She inquired, tilting her head to the side.

Shownu let a giggle slip out "Yeah, he's my best friend. So you're the one my little sister was so excited about seeing?"

Wonho's cheeks turned a shade of red owing to the words. It wasn't just a slippery slang rather a dripping testimony, a denial and a tedious confirmation.
He shyly smiled and averted his gaze to the grassy ground.

Shownu crept up near him to mutter "I may be older than you, but she's still my little sister. And you're my best friend. If you hurt her, I'll hurt you back."

Instead of feeling intimidated or scared, Wonho shot him a gentle smile. "I'll never hurt her."

Turning over to Hina he quips "Do you want to play on the slides?"

The girl's eyes lit up as she nodded her head aggressively "Yes!"

They walked to the slides and Wonho helped her up the stairs. All the while Shownu merely stood back and gazed at them with a smile.

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Big shout out to my lovelies

RihisNation7 for the beautiful banner

wineisredder and inky_jin for helping me with this story

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