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I know that your love is gone

I know that your love is gone

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A screaming Hina could be heard over the ringing in Wonho's head. She scrambled out of bed with the sheet around her, trying to get the boys to stop. Shownu had struggled in clasping his arm around Wonho and finally succeeded in pulling him off of Kihyun.

Hina instantly ran to the bloody and bruised Kihyun on the ground once he was free, her eyes welling up with tears.

“What is wrong with you!” She yelled out, directing it to none other than Wonho himself.

A burst of cynical laughter vibrated Wonho's chest. “What's wrong with me? What's wrong with you? We've been dating for so long, I've known you practically your whole life. You said you loved me but here you are, sitting in bed with my friend. How could you, Hina? You won't even let me touch you in public or even kiss you for long. We've never even been together in this way! Cause you said you weren't ready. But I guess you were pretty ready if you're here in bed with kihyun.”

The built-up tears began to rain down on her cheeks as she began to sob. “I-I'm sorry, W-wonho... Forgive me—”

“Forgive you?!” Wonho felt like he was about to explode. “All this time you've been making excuses just so you could meet up with my friend. I made so many sacrifices for you, Hina! Get you never do the same. I can't do this anymore, I can't deal with this, I'm sorry but it's over between us.”

Wonho glanced at Hina and Kihyun's faces with disgust before he turned around, walking away from everything and leaving Shownu in the room. Shownu couldn't even meet Hina's eyes and so he turned around and followed Wonho, disappointed in both his little sister and friend.

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Big shout out to my lovelies

RihisNation7 for the beautiful banner

wineisredder and inky_jin for helping me with this story

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