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I'm sorry, don't leave me, I want you here with me

I'm sorry, don't leave me, I want you here with me

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A month had passed since the party and both Hina and Wonho had made up. Today was Wonho's birthday and he was able to get the afternoon off. Escaping his work building, he had decided to give Hina a call to corroborate their dinner reservations.


“Hey Hina,” Wonho greeted her, a smile etching to his smile by the sound of her voice. “Don't forget the dinner reservations tonight, are you okay with 7 o'clock?”

“Oh, my, Wonho,” Hina let out an exasperated sigh on the other end of the line. “Gosh, I'm so sorry but I don't think I could make it today. My campus work is due tomorrow but we'll be having constant tests this week. I'm really sorry, I'll make it up to you.”

Wonho's smile twitched. “Don't worry, Hina. Your studies are more important so it's fine.”

“Thank you, Wonho,” Hina's voice sounded with relief. “I'll make it make up to you, I promise!”

After they had cut the call, Wonho had an itching gut feeling that something didn't feel right. With the phone still in the palm of his hand, Wonho decided to call up the gang to hang out since he had no other plans.

Everyone had pitched up to celebrate his birthday and hang out. Everyone except for Kihyun. They all decided to go to a small bar and while downing a glass of tequila, Shownu plopped himself beside him.

“What happened to Hina?” Shownu questioned, twirling around the contents of his glass.

“She said she had campus work,” Wonho stated, a little too bitterly. He sighed and shook his head. “But it's fine, she said she'll make it up.”

“Is everything okay between you and my sister?” Shownu doubted, sensing the negative aura that Wonho had around him.

“I'm not sure anymore, it just seems like she's been drifting further and further apart from me,” Wonho chuckled, lowly. His hand clasped and unclasped around his empty glass. “Like, I'm trying my hardest to meet her every single free minute I have but she always comes up with a lame excuse. And even if she makes the plan, she cancels last minute. I really don't know what's going on...”

Shownu wrinkled his brows in confusion. “Actually, the exact same thing has been happening with Kihyun and me.

And that was it.

Something in Wonho snapped and he shot out of his seat and grabbed his coat that laid on the counter and ran out the bar.

“Is everything okay?” Shownu questioned, following behind Wonho's figure.

“No.” Wonho, dryly replied. “I need to go to Hina's dorm, right now.”

“What?” Shownu reached out to grab Wonho's upper arm. “Wonho, what's going on?”

“I need to confirm something,” Something dark flashed across his eyes before he turns to Wonho. “Hyung, Please. Let me go.”

Shownu just nodded and let his hand fall to his side, limp. “Okay, but you're not going alone.”

Her dorms weren't fair and it had only had taken them twenty minutes to be already walking down the hallway, searching for her room. Upon discovering it, they allowed themselves inside without a second thought.

And that was when the lewd noises were evident as day, spewing from her bedroom. Shownu and Wonho shared a look with each other, perplexed. But there was no time to stop and question the aftermaths of what's behind that door.

The bedroom door wasn't locked but Wonho refused to knock and wait. With a kick of his leg, the door flew along and groaned at the hinges.

Red, hot rage.

The sight of Hina and Kihyun in the same bed was all it Wonho needed to see nothing but his rage. Wonho strode forward, yanking Kihyun out of bed and dragged him out onto the cold floor, butt naked.

And without a second thought or a glimpse of hesitation, Kihyun jabbed him square in the face.

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Big shout out to my lovelies

RihisNation7 for the beautiful banner

wineisredder and inky_jin for helping me with this story

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