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Don't go tonight

Don't go tonight

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The sun was high in the sky, shining brightly down on the central park of Seoul. The kids playing around the grassy vista and their chatters had filled the small heaven.
All happy except one.
A little girl sprawled onto the ground with three boys much older than her surrounding them.

By their smug expressions tracing their exteriors and the sobs of the girl who was slumped on the ground, anyone could tell that she was being bullied. Her knees were scraped from the fall she took after one of them pushed her off.

"Stop crying, I'm gonna lose my ears!" One of them grumbled, shooting her an annoyed look.

As we sow, so we reap!
Suddenly, out of nowhere a tennis ball came flying through the air and hit one of the bullies right at the back of his head.

"What do you think you're doing to that little girl huh?" a voice soon chaperoned the flying ball.
"Nothing that should concern you, Hoseok!" One of the bullies grunted.

"Really Jackson? How about leaving the girl alone and picking on someone your own size?" the boy snickered, another tennis ball ready to shoot out of his grasp.

"What?" Jackson snorted, "You?" his grin now wider.

Hoseok remained unfazed and rather smiled at his cheeky response, "Yeah, sure. If you're up for another ass whipping."

Jackson gritted his teeth together before rolling his eyes as if he became indifferent to his new target. He peered at his friends ushering them with a jerk of his head "It's not worth it, let's get going!"

Hoseok watched them leave before making his way to the little girl. He gently helped her back onto her feet and dusting off the dirt from her clothes.

"Are you okay?"

With her head still low, she nodded. He let out a heavy breath at her weak attempt of contradiction and tugged at her arm, "No, you're not. Come, let me take you to my mom. She's sitting right there, she'll help your scratches and pain."

He waited until the girl took her first step of consent before he could start tugging her across the grassy park to the shade where his mother sat.

"Oh my, what happened, dear?" His mother gasped, taking the girl by her side and then going through the contents of her bag.

She cleaned the girl's wound and placed a cute bandaid on her knees and some on her elbows without trying to touch it much. Hoseok watched everything with a small smile.

"What's your name?" befriending was his hobby.

She blinked at him taken aback. "Hina. What's yours?"

"Hoseok, how old are you Hina?"

"I'm seven, you?"

"I'm nine so you can call me Oppa." He grinned widely, proud to be older than her.

Hina giggled. "I already have an Oppa but you can be my second Oppa! Oppa, can we be friends?"

Hoseok nodded, smiling. He walked up to the petite child and pulled her into a friendly, warm hug. "Of course, we can be friends!"

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Big shout out to my lovelies

RihisNation7 for the beautiful banner

wineisredder and inky_jin for helping me with this story

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