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I'm begging please, just stick around

I'm begging please, just stick around

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Wonho's pencil slipped from his fingers and clanged to the ground. He sighs, not bothering to pick it back up, and glanced at his wristwatch. It was only five in the evening, he could've been at home if it weren't for him already agreeing to work overtime.

He searched for his phone, having lost it in between the A2 size sketch materials. His fingers found the sleek black cover of his phone and pulled it out from underneath the paper.

“Hey, Shownu,” Wonho greeted, the device pressed against his ear as his eyes diluted while staring at the ceiling. “I can't make it to the party tonight, I'm working late today.”

“You can't?” Shownu repeated, genuinely surprised. “But Hina's going to be here.”

Wonho felt his whole body freeze at the mention of her. His mind takes him back to when she refused and was so undeterred to attend the party.

“I-I'm sorry, man,” Wonho responded, covering his eyes with the back of the palm of his free hand. “But next time, I'll definitely be there.”

After the call with Shownu, Wonho hadn't seen to be progressing at all with his work. Pushing back his swivel chair, he threw on his coat and made his way to the manager's office that oversaw his section.

“Uhm, excuse the intrusion sir but I have a request,” Wonho spoke after knocking his knuckles twice at the open door.

“What is it, Mr. Lee?” His manager asked, not bothering to look up from his laptop. He was a small man, older than Wonho by probably a decade but his fragile physique would make anyone question between Wonho and him, who the senior was.

“I'd like to request an early leave for today. I have a sort of emergency,” Wonho begun, noticing the look that his manager gave which said he needed to be more convincing. “I promise I'll make use of my time tomorrow and work extra hours.”

His manager hummed, his hands still moving across the keyboard before he used his left hand to wave him off. “Very well, you may go.”

It was an hour into the party that Wonho had made his appearance. He wasn't even able to get five steps into the house before he was bombarded by IM, Jooheon, and Minhyun.

“Why are you late!” Jooheon slapped him on the back.

Wonho just sheepishly rubbed the back of his head and waved them off. He spotted Hyungwon sprawled lazily on the ground, against the kitchen counter who just lazily waved at him.

The three dragged Wonho further into the house, pulling out glasses of alcohol and games. Despite the LED lights that dampened his sight, he could recognize Hina from anywhere. And right now, he spotted her at the corner of the room with Kihyun.

Wonho downed the contents of his glass before he began to approach her. The girl was in mid laughter when she broke open her eyes and locked eye contact with him, her expression dropped.

“Wonho? But my brother said that you were working late.” Hina blinked, as if hesitant to believe her eyes. “It's a surprise to see you here.”

Wonho couldn't help to hold back that laugh that broke free across his lips, resonating vibrations through his chest. “I'm surprised to see you here since Afterall you had declined and told me that you couldn't come. That's why I had agreed to work late.”

Hina's entire aura switched up and her brows furrowed. “And there you go again. Being selfish and insensitive.”

“Me? I'm the selfish one?” Wonho let out a low chuckle to himself. “What the hell are you doing with my best friend, Kihyun? Don't think I didn't see you yesterday being all lovey-dovey with him!”

Hina let out an exasperated sigh. “Oh please, you're over exaggerating. This is what you always do!”

She doesn't waste a second in pushing past Wonho to walk out. He watched her leave, the frown on his face not dissipating when he glanced back at the silent Kihyun.

“Stay away from Hina,” Wonho says, his voice a low and gruff growl. “I'm warning you.”

Kihyun looks at the ground. Wonho doesn't bother with him and moves forward to where Shownu was with the gang.

“Hey man, I'm leaving.” He said to him, not waiting for a reply or the protests to stay for a few.

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Big shout out to my lovelies

RihisNation7 for the beautiful banner

wineisredder and inky_jin for helping me with this story

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