Danica vs. Elijah pt. 2

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Danica's POV
Looking at his face and his look of pure shock made my blood just absolutely boil. How could he seriously stand there and be shocked, how dare he try to defend his own actions! Trying to keep me safe from whatever those things were from a few days ago? Bah. I was able to hold my own against them just fine without his help. The kind of protection I need is from him! Like who's to say that he wouldn't attack me out of no where or in the middle of the night? There's no telling. Plus, its been nonstop secrets and dodging since I met him. I can't take any more secrets.

"I'm done, I cant take any more of this. I cant stay here in New Orleans any longer. Aelius has been more honest, open and understanding in the short amount of time I have known him, then you have the short amount of time that Ive known you," I look at Elijah with tears dripping from my eyes, the drops leaving thin trails of transparent ice particles. I could feel the temp in the room dropping, could see everyone's breath when they exhaled.

"Dani, relax please, your making it super cold in here, deep breaths remember?" Aelius leaned down to whisper in my ear.

"Sorry, I'm still getting used to this." Taking a few breaths was all it took for the rooms temperature to go back to normal. "Now, back to the matter at hand," I take a few steps in Eli's direction, stopping just short of being toe to toe with him and before anyone could probably ponder over what would happen...I through the hardest right hook I have ever used on someone in my entire life. And it hit him right in the jaw, making a loud 'thud' sound that reverberated throughout the room.

"Dani....I-I-I..." thats all he got out, he couldn't even continue to look me in the face. What a disgrace. "I'll be leaving now, I'm sorry for taking up everybody's time." Without missing a single step, Eli made a quick exit.

No one said anything after that, was just total quiet. Looking around the room, watching everyone's expressions...waiting for someone to break the silence.

A good thirty minutes passed by and no one still dared not move or speak a word about what just transpired in front of them. But if someone didn't move or speak soon I was gonna lose my mind all over again.

"Will someone please say something? Anything? Cause this deafening silence is starting to give me goosebumps." I said, rubbing my hands along my arms to try and get some warmth in them again. I could actually feel my whole body slowly start going numb, and that wasn't a good sign. I think Aelius picked up on this cause the next moment he was standing right behind me, placing his hands on my shoulders and letting his warmth seep into me through my clothes.

"I don't think we know what to say right now, kiddo. Eli was you're mate, the one you would be destined to spend your life with and now you have gone against what the Fates had planned for you. I can only imagine in how they are reacting to this major turn in their plans. Or how about the fact that you have chosen to be the life partner of Ares only son and heir, that in itself is just...there's no words for that Danica." Zane rubbed his hand down his face before sighing. "I'll support you and be there for you no matter what, you already know that, but I think I need some time to process, specially since Ares and I don't exactly see eye to eye ninety-nine percent of the time."

"Yeah, this is a lot to process, Dani. I know you wont make me choose between being friends with you or him, but this is gonna be harder then it was before. I've got to think about some things through, I'll message you when I have cleared my head." Theo gave me a half hug before leaving as well.

"I have no impartial feelings. My loyalties will always be with my sister Danica. What Elijah did was betray her trust and gave false security. Don't worry Dani, I will always have you're back." Remis smiled but I could tell that he was gonna miss hanging around Elijah.

"Remis, just like Theo I'm not gonna make you choose between us. Your my family, but just because I wont be able to be around him for a long while, doesn't mean that you cant be around him. I'm not gonna get mad about that. Now, if you were to cancel plans we made to go be bros with him then I'd be very upset..." I smiled.

"Got it. Noted." He chuckled.

So now that air was cleared a bit, we decided to order take out Cajun food from Zanes favorite restaurant and watch corny horror movies on cable. The day didnt turn out the way we had planned and we ended up staying one more night in New Orleans but at least everything was out in the open now and hopefully things could slowly go back to being normal-ish.

New Orleans, though my friends and remaining family is here...I cant stay any longer. It's not healthy here in this town for me. New Zealand was now where I called home. And being life partners with Aelius, Ares only son and heir....that I have a feeling will bring on its own challenges and stormy weather, but whatever happens now I will welcome with open arms. Plus, I have to get this mysterious power under control. So as this chapter closes, another will soon be opening.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2021 ⏰

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