The Drama Continues

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-Remis's POV-

Danica continued to ignore me the rest of day, Elijah looked torn cause she wouldn't talk to him either. I hope that she doesn't refuse to live under the same roof as me as well, cause that kind of rejection would really break me. Why does she continue to punish me for what our Father did in the past?

When the last bell rang for the days end, grabbing my things and going to outside to my car. I wasn't all to surprised to see her standing out there with Theo and Eli already, she seemed to be somewhat smiling, but Eli still looked glum and down. Deciding to risk her hatred even more, I walked over to where they were standing, all gathered around uncle Zane's truck.

"Hey guys," I called, trying to hopefully sound like Dani's hatred of me wasn't even getting to me, when though deep down it really was.

"Hey there, Remis. I'm Theodore, or Theo for short. Nice to, uh, meet you I guess." He didn't extend his hand, but I think that was cause Dani was giving me the death glare.

"Like wise, Theo." I nodded in his direction. "Dani..." But I had barely gotten the rest of her name out and before I even saw it coming, she had slapped me in the face.

"Don't. Ever. Call. Me, Dani! That nickname is only for close family and friends, which you are neither! You may also be living with Zane now, but don't you think for one second that this will be putting you in my good graces any time soon. I despise you, and Theresa!" She yelled in my face, tears were streaming down her face, she was breaking, and fast. I had heard already from Zane that she had lost her twin in a drive by shooting, and that her mother and step-father had died in a horrible car accident, with her as the only surviver, but never had I imagined that me being here would cause her this much pain.

Looking at the ground, all I could do was mumble a barely audible, "I'm sorry, Danica." before walking over to my car and driving out of the parking lot. Like I had said, this was gonna take one hell of a miracle, and I prayed that it came soon.

-Elijah's POV-

Dani had barely spoken more then one work to me since before lunch, I had been warned that this guy was a family member of her's but I didn't know the extent of their relationship, to which by the looks of it, there wasn't really much one. But by becoming friends with him, I had thrown myself under the bus and cause my girl to become mad at me.

"Theo, can you drive behind Dani and I? I'm gonna ride with her, back to Zane's place," I tossed Theo my keys. "Thanks man," giving him a slight chuckle, cause now he had to figure out what to do about his own car.

We got into Zane's truck, but I wasn't gonna be letting her rev up the engine, and tear out of the parking lot like the hounds of hell would on her tail, cause she would be sitting in the passenger seat instead.

"Dani, are you gonna continue to stay mad at me? I said I was sorry, I didn't know that becoming friends with him would bother you so much, or that you hated him! I swear on my life that I had no idea... Dani, please speak to me?" I looked at her, I had wrestled the keys from her and had decided to drive.

"Hmph. I hate him, but I hate that you didn't tell me that it was him who you were waiting for today before lunch." She scolded me like I was a child, which I couldn't stand taking, but restraining myself from snapping at her, I just breathed in and took a deep breath.

"Danica, I said I'm sorry. I don't know how much more I can apologize before you start to believe me, but you also can't pick who I become friends with, just like I can't choose for you either," I said with a bit of edge but still remaining calm and polite. My mate could be the most stubborn human being known to anyone who knew her.

"....ok, then." She said, going back to staring out the window. Ugh, her attitude and not caring was really starting to tick me off.

Finally arriving at the house, getting out of the truck and going around the back to open her door. She got out, mumbling a small "thank you," and went to open the door. Damn it all, this attitude needed to go, I don't care how much or why she hates Remis, but she needs to stop taking out on everyone else.

Theo, Remis and Zane were all gathered in the kitchen when we walked in, but Dani didn't even bother to say one word to any of them. They gave me a quizzical look, all I could do was shrug my shoulders and join them. Leaving Danica to brood and simmer down in her room.

All I knew was that Zane was gonna have his hands full, and I didn't mean with just work....

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