School Dramatics...Oh joy!

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-Elijah's POV-

It was like I had pointed out, this year was gonna be one interesting school year! Even with the warnings Dani had given all the girls out in the parking lot, they all seemed to keep swarming back, and I knew that if this kept going, Dani was gonna get really mad and upset with me, and I couldn't bare to see or let her be hurt by the girls disgusting swooning over me. I loved this girl with all of my heart, she was the one who I would spend my entire life with, an eterinty in forever, literally...well, if she didn't reject me anyway. That would really put a damper on life.

Theo and I walked into the school with Dani leading the way. First stop was the office to grab our locks and class schedual. After we finished up there, we went in search of our lockers, which thankfully were only right across from Danica's. We had every class together except two, history and creative writing. And from the smell of it, today's lunch was shrimp gumbo and pizza, yum!!!

First class of the day was Algebra, something that I just happened to be excellent at, so the homework that the teacher assigned us was a breeze for me. Theo looked to be having some trouble, poor guy. Then looking over at Dainca, she was smoothing her nails with a nail fial, already done with her homework also. Damn! My mate was smart on top of everything else, I would have to remind myself to never piss her off or get on her bad side, other wise I would be at risk of having my balls hanging from somewhere. Yikes.

-Theo's POV-

The day was going smoothly so far, Algebra was a pain in my ass, and was stuck bringing the rest of what I didn't finish home, but thankfully Danica agreed to help and tutor me. Next was sculpting class, this I would thankfully be good at. Elijah looked to be decent at it, but Danica seemed to be having a bit of trouble and had to be corrected many times by the teacher, by the end of class she was in such a fowl mood that she didn't even say a word to either of us till we got to the caffeteria. Picking out some seats that were near a window outlooking the quad. Elijah had stayed behind, said he had to wait for someone, so Danica and I got up to get our food. She wasn't one for the shrimp gumbo, but she did take three big slices of pizza, a chocolate milk, an apple and a lemon poppy seed muffin. Geez, this girl had an hearty appetite for a girl. I grabbed a bowl of the gumbo, two slices of pizza, a blueberry muffin and a carton of 2% skim milk.

Walking back to our table, there were now an additional four people, three of them must be Danica's friends, but the fourth didn't look recognizeable, but before reaching the table, noticing that she wasn't walking beside me any more, I turned around and what I saw took me by surprise. Danica's face was one of pure furry, and the look she was giving the mystery person, boy if only looks could kill, that guy would be blown to ashes right about now.

I waited for her to finally catch up to me, before we took our seats at the table. I sat next to Elijah, but Danica sat on the far end, by her group of friends. She didn't bother to say anything to the new comer or Elijah for that matter. He just shook his head and sighed, guess he was the only one that knew what was going on right now, and if I HAD to guess, it was because you could now feel Danica's hatred from the other side of the table. Well, like they always said..."Hell Hath no Furry like a womans scorn," and man, was she scorned alright. The rest of this day was gonna be just a swell mix of awkward and more likely then not, hell.

After everyone filed out for the rest of their classes, I waited for Danica. She told her friends "c'ya later," and then walked over to where I was so we could go to Theatre class. She started to walk away but I stopped her. "Don't you want to wait for Elijah?" I asked looking puzzled even more so then before. "No." was all she said before starting off again.

-Remis's POV-

Lunch was interesting to say the least, well for me anyway. I knew that by trasferring here that Danica would hate me upon sight. And she had every right and reason to, but it still hurt to know that she has been hanging onto the past for all these long years.

See, though she and I are indeed cousins, or at least thats what she was told, I had found out two years ago that Danica and I are actually half siblings. No one knew, and it was kept a secret. Cause with our family, everything was so overly traditional and well...old, that when our father had an afair, it broke Ms. Ameila's hearts and Danica's as well. No sooner and the second marriage taken place, in secret of coarse, that my mother had become pregnaunt with me. I am a year younger then Dani, but I still love her with all my heart.

Unlike Danica, I have one green eye like her's but also one blue eye like my mother, the same onyx hair as our father, though alas Danica dyed hers.

I really wish that we could move past this and maybe start fresh, but from the looks of things right now, it was gonna take one hell of miracle to patch up what our father's past has done.

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