Past and Present

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-Past; Lyzander's POV-

The lovely Theresa looked stunning in her Midnight blue evening gown, her face shown with its all natural beauty, tiny rainbows dancing all over her pale skin from the exuberant lighting in the ballroom. Rosalie, my wife, was beautiful in her own right, and I had once thought that there could be no other woman who would ever rival her's, but I had played myself for a fool, cause now there was a beauty that walked this fine earth that rivaled and over took my wife's beauty. Theresa...oh her name rolled off my tongue like pure sweetness of the purest sugar.

Though, Rosalie and I had a child together already, the feeling of wanted to have Theresa for myself was just to overwhelming. So leaving my wife with a group of our friends who were also in attendance, I went in search of the lovely and alluring Theresa.

Finally finding her by the punch bowl, I approached slowly, not wanting to startle her.

Leaning in to whisper softly in her ear, "My, don't you look just radiant tonight? I dare say that your making all the other women jealous of your beauty," I smiled down at her, as she turned around to greet me.

"Hm, why, Lyzander you sly fox, have you come to try and sweep me off my feet? I dare say that if has taken you long enough," She put her hand on my chest, peeking around my frame to make sure that my wife wasn't in sight before she grabbed my hand and dragged me off to a empty and less lit hallway.

"Theresa, oh how I have wanted to have you in my hold you and to touch you, to make you mind and with our bodies...." I said, moving my hands to cup her breasts through her dress and leaning in to kiss her mouth, slowly moving down to her neck and lastly down to where her breasts just showed enough for me to use my tongue to lick and lightly suck on her pale skin.

"Lyzander...please..." she was getting turned on and wanting more, if thats what she wanted then I would gladly give it to her, my way though.

I was finally getting what I wanted, and I would continue to make love to her for the next forty five minutes, so making her cum twice and filling her with my semen was the sweetest thing that had happened all night. But alas it couldn't last, cause sadly I was married to my wife and needed to leave to make sure she was all right.

"This is good bye, my lovely Theresa. Farewell." And making my clothes right and making sure I didn't look flushed or like anything had happened, I made my way back to the beauty Rosalie.

Couple years later, after I had the affair with Theresa and my wife finding out about my disloyalty, almost brought me to my knee's. Rosalie had filed for divorce, and had even managed to make sure to take my precious Danica away from me, though I had been disloyal to her, Danica still remained my baby girl and the true gem of my heart. She would be having a half brother named Remis, for thought Danica had been born two years ago and Remis the year after, it was sad that would never get the chance to know and grow up with each other.

-Present; Theresa's POV-

Remis had moved down to New Orleans as soon as he had found out from Lyzander that he had a half sister. He had been furious that we hadn't told him before now, and he kept demanding me to tell him more about her, but I told him that I could not, cause I had never met her nor knew much about her.

So in the end, going to my husband to find out more about Danica, I think thats what her name was, for Lyzander was always talking about or wondering about her. After she had been taken away from him so many years ago by his ex-wife, he hadn't been the same, sure he still loved me and Remis, but he had started to shut himself away on certain days each month for past few years. My husband was losing his light, and my son was leaving to go find his sister.

The girl had never accepted a single invitation that we sent her for Christmas or any others holiday. Nor did she ever send a thank you for all the gracious gifts and cards that my husband had sent her. So far, in my eyes, Danica seemed like a very ungrateful child. Most of the photos in Lyzander's wallet were of her when she was very small or of Remis but mostly of his daughter. He cherished one photo in particular, it sits up on the mantle above the fireplace. It was taken in the middle of winter, Lyzander had taken his ex-wife and Danica on vacation to Alaska, to a vacation home they had there. It was her sitting on his favorite husky Reio's back while he kneeled next to them, both of them smiling for the camera, and the dog making sure to not move and drop Danica.

But sadly after Reio's death and his divorce, he had never had another husky again. His daughter was the true gem of his heart, he doesn't realize that I figured it out a long time ago, but thats what it is. I can't replace her, no matter how hard I may try.

Now going back to Remis, he had been told that Danica had moved down to New Orleans. But along with that came everything that he remembered of her and what he had heard has happened to her. Danica's mother had remarried and the man had a son a few years older then Danica and they had grown really close. But her mother and step-father had passed away six months ago in a horrible car accident, and that her brother had been murdered in a drive by shooting while walking home from school, which Lyzander didn't take to well either, but I guess her mother had told Danica that Remis was her cousin from her fathers side, but he was to be hated cause he was a horrible child and had no manners or respect for people, which was a total and disgusting lie, but there was nothing that could be done about it now. Remis didn't seem to care about the negative stuff, he just wanted to know as much as he could about his sister.

Having been born looking feminine  like her mother, with her mothers natural black hair, his crystal blue eyes and olive skin tone. How she likes or used to like a lot of the same foods he did, that her favorite color was plaid or anything that matched with blue. She had been born with an amazing singing voice and could play the violin and the guitar like a pro. He spoke so highly of her to Remis, that as soon his junior year of school let out for the summer, he had saved up and found a place of his own in New Orleans that he had announced that one night at dinner that he would be leaving the next day to go find Danica down south.

Lyzander beamed with pride when Remis shared his news with us, I on the other hand was very skeptical about him leaving. Thinking that he would never actually go, cause he would be leaving all of his friends and us behind up here in New Jersey.

But he had proved me wrong, cause the next morning, he had left us a note telling us that he would miss us and that he would write to us often, but he was off to find Danica.

So far, he hasn't written to us, but Lyzander would get calls during the day or during dinner from Remis. So far, Danica wasn't having anything to do with him and despised him as soon as she saw him his first day their at lunch during school. She had her group of friends, but there seemed to be two main guys that she was always seen with. Her God-Fathers friends son, Theodore and someone named Elijah, who was very strange and overprotective of Danica. Zane, her God-Father didn't mind Remis staying with him, but he did keep a somewhat close eye on him.

Such is the life that I have had to endure with my husbands past, and now dealing with the problems that Remis is facing down there with Danica....I think that it was time to take some time off and go down for a little unexpected family reunion.

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