The Found Mate

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-Theodore's POV-

Sitting outside leaning against my ninja, waiting for this girl I was supposed to be a body guard for. All I knew was that her name was Danica, she recently lost her brother in a drive-by and that she was now living with Zane. Didn't know how old she was or what she even looked like, but he would soon find out.

On a rare a occasion, I would haut Crossbow's but to be a body guard for a girl? now that was a first, even for me. Zane was a great guy, king of creepy and weird but alround the guy you could trust at your back in a fight. He had even dared to give me a lecture on how to treat his precious god-daughter! I knew how to treat a woman, my momma raised me to be a gentleman!

Zoning back into reality, hearing the door to the house open, I looked up and I'm telling you, if I wasn't a human, my feet would have grown roots right there on the spot. Danica came out wearing a black rhinestoned halter top, a blue and green checkered mini-skirt, and thigh high black lace up boots. Her hair was curled and put into pig-tails, her make up was subtle and light, not taking away anything from her natural beauty.

"You Theodore?" her accent was enough to make my blood boil and the way my name sounded on her lips made goosebumps cover me from head to toe. I really hoped she was single!

"Yes ma'm , that would be me," I held out my rough and calloused hand to her, not thinking for a second she would actually take it. But she did, and with a big smile on her pretty face.

"Well then, and here I thought Zane was hooking me up with a toad," she looked happy that I wasn't a toad, and frankly, so was I.

"No, I most certainly aint no toad, but I am your escort." I replied with politeness.

"No, no, that won't do! How bout you be my date instead," was she demanding or asking? Well, either way, I wasn't about to say no.

"It would be my pleasure, Ms. Danica," I bowed, holding out my hand. She took it and I helped her get onto the ninja.

Handing her a helmet, I got on in front of her. Good thing I had decided to wear jeans tonight. Stating up the bike, and feeling her arms slink around my waist, holding herself in place. Traffic was a bit slow but there wasn't much to navigate through. Finally ariving, I parked us across the street, in my own paking space.

Man, there were tons of people outside of Crossbow's tonight, but thank god we wouldn't have to wait in line, thanks to my having connections. I smiled to myself.

"Oh bother! theres so many people in line already," she made this adorable pouty face.

"Don't you worry lil darlin', we won't be waitin' in line," I smiled down at her. She looked puzzled but her face brightened up a bit. Oh gods, this woman was causing me to be all sorts of dizzy.

"Oh?" She said.

"Yup, C'mon," and taking her hand, I led her to the door of the club....Elijah was at front tonight, and luckily, him and I were best budds, also the fact that my mom worked as a waitress his parents.

"Yo! Elijah, whats up bro?" I fist bumped him, but his eyes were on Danica. "Oh! right, Elijah, this is Danica, I'm her escort and body guard for the evening. Danica? This is Elijah, my best friend and brother from another mother!" She looked him up and down, then did the same to me, sizing up the pair of us.

"Pleasure to meet you, Elijah," she held out her hand for his to shake, as he let in another small group of girls into the club.

"Mm, like wise," Elijah took her hand, then suddenly froze, like someone had just electricuted him. Looking at his face, watching his eyes go from their sapphire blue to black in a matter of nano seconds. But already knowing what Elijah was and every little detail that went with being a ware, Elijah had just found his mate. But, he knew that since she was a human that he would have to take a lot slower then he would have if she was another ware.

Danica though was kinda clueless onto what was going on with Elijah, cause she was more focused on wanting to get inside and start dancing. Before he let us in, he called through the headset for his twin brother, Quinnten; once he had switched places, we all went inside the club and grabbed ourselves a booth in of the back corners of the club. While he excused himself to go to his home, which was attached to the club, to change, Danica made her way out onto the dance floor.

-Elijah's POV-

After shaking her hand and feeling like I had just been electricuted, I had instantly known that she was the mate I had been searching and longing for. She looked to be about seventeen or eighteen, she had the most color of green eyes, like they were half emerald and half neon, but they suited her. Her long auburn red hair looked perfect when it was curled and in pig tails, but knowing that there tons of single males in the club tonight, he worried that Dani's clothes showed a little to much for wandering eyes.

Changing into a black wife beater tank, a pair of my dark but nice desginer jeans and my DC shoes, cleaned off my face, shaves and even spiked up my hair a bit, looking fresh and ready to hit up the dance floor with my lovely little mate.

Walking down the stairs and spotting Toby sitting in a corner booth near the back, I walked over to him and ordered myself a beer.

"So how's it going dude?" I asked Theo, using that little nickname I had given him way back; Dani wasn't with him, so I was scanning the dance floor for any sign of her.

"Not bad, school still sucks ass, and I had barely walked in my front door when I got a call from Zane," when Theo or anyone for that matter talked about him, it was always with the highest of respect. He had done so much for my family, even saved my baby sister, Alexa from a bunch of daimons that had tried to jump her and her friend Sienna while they had been out shopping.

"Oh? and what did the guy want?" I was curious, cause Zane hardly asked anyone for anything.

"He asked if I could accompany his God-Daughter," Theo looked smug but I would soon find out why.

"Yeah? and who would that be? some rich-bitch snob perhaps?" I roared with laughter at what this girl could possibly look like, probably all dressed out in pink and always had a cell phone in hand.

"You've already met her dude! Its Danica," he looked stern, then lightened up.

Just as her name left his mouth, her scent instantly filled my nose. Poinsettia's and Applewood, my own bit of heaven, but the shock of my Dani being Zane's God-Daughter was starting to settle in. I regretted saying those nasty things, not knowing what the relationship between them was.

"Boys! You need to get off those asses of yours and acompany me out on that dance floor!" she started to whine and bat her lashes at us, hoping that we would get up and go with her. "Pretty please?"

"Naw thanks, Danica. But I think Elijah here would love to," Theo pointed at me with a smirk on his face, that boy was gonna get it later!

"Yay! Well c'mon then Elijah, dance with me," she clapped her hands, just as a slow song started playing over the loudspeakers.

As she dragged me out, I could feel every pair of my family's eyes on us. Maman's and Papa's were watching Dani, and I could tell that Alexa was making that "awww" face, but Quinten was trying hold back a snicker. Ignoring them, I wrapped my arms around her waist, and started swaying side to side, before we knew it, dancing in slow circles. Her head resting right on my heart and her hands cluched tightly to my tank, like she never wanted to let me go.

The song soon changed to a more upbeat tune and the swarm of people started to bump into us. Pulling her back to our booth, she slid in across from Theo and then looked up at me as I was about sit beside him; her look said 'sit by me instead, pretty please?' so before I could sit down I switched sides and plopped myself next to her.

Hey everyone!!! Sorry this chapter is short but hopefully a bit longer then the first one!!! I really hope you are all enjoying reading this story!!! There will be another update again soon, promise :D

Love you all muched,


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