Chapter 29 - Embarrassment

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Both of their eyes locked with eachother and their body still pressed. The touch of soft lips suddenly raised the sensation of emotions. Nandini's mind went blank. This was her first kiss to a man. A man which is her husband but this is not how she wanted it to happen. At least not as an accident. Manik's arms was about to circle around her small waist she gathered her sense and pulled away. Manik's hand stayed half reaching in the air.

Nandini quickly get up and fixed her cloth. Seeing her Manik forced his body up from the floor too. He stood beside her and gazed around the room. He don't know what to say to her. Their situation and interaction was always friendly but today, though it happened through an accident but what happened is already happened and this is not something changeable even if one want to.

Not knowing his words he caughed lightly then cleared his throat " time be careful" he said.

"I will take care" Nandini replied not looking at him.

"Then I will leave first. You should rest" he uttered before finally taking his leave. In his hurry steps he did not noticed the pink stains covering Nandini's face.

Nandini turned her head and looked at his retreating figure. Her eyes held the sadness. Then she raised her hand and touched her lips. The feeling of warmness still lingered on it.

"It was my first kiss but it wasted like this" she mumbled "I never thought my first kiss will like this? without any emotions and intension. Totaly platonic" she walk towards the window and gazed outside "why it have to be like this?" Then she closed her eyes and sighed.

On the other side Manik looked at his hand. The feeling of holding her in his arms is still fresh. He frowned when he remembered how it felt. The touch, the feelings, and the reaction of bodies are really familiar like he has done it before. Strange to the point that, years ago he spent a night in cave with Aiyara. Besides her Captivating green eyes, her touch is also paralyzing. He could never forget the feeling but when he met Aiyara after so many years and even collide with her he did not felt this but today he suddenly felt the familiar feelings but why? Nandini is not Aiyara then why he felt this feeling? They are different from eachother. They how could it be possible?

He couldn't find the answer no matter how hard he thinks. Nandini and Aiyara are different people. They have different face, different backgrounds, different attitude. What similar between then is those green eyes. But Aiyara has light green while Nandini has dark green. Beside this they are totally different. He was so engrossed in this thought that he did not noticed the 3 people coming forward.

"Manik?" Chityakanta's voice suddenly brought him back to his sense. He looked forward only to find his mother accompanied by two other people standing before him.

"Mother" Manik tried to smile.

"What are you thinking about?" Chityakanta frowned "you have not even heard me calling fir several times"

"I apologise for that mother. I was thinking of some matters" Manik replied.

Chityakanta waved her hand carelessly "forget it. Let me introduce you to someone. Here, she is Sumeska, my playmate from maiden family and she is Lakshya, Sumeska's daughter"

Manik nodded "nice meet you" he said simply.

Sumeska nudged on Lakshya's arm. "His majesty is kind enough to see this ordinary woman so I do not dare to accept it"

"I don't like pastering titles here, this place is where God resides and I am playing a simple role ordinary man" Manik replied.

Hearing that Sumeska's eyes filled with hope. Since he is living as a low-key here then it will be more easier to deal with. Her daughter can take the chance easily without any hard work.

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