Chapter 37 - Price For Life

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In East Peria...

In the luxurious room of the palace, the white silk curtain slightly flying in the air and a moan could be heard. The moan become louder around the room turning into scream. The slapping sounds of skins grew wider and a man groaned like a wounded beast. The woman lying on bed naked, her eyes blinked and her pale face reflected under the candle light flickered inside the room. The man did not stopped as he thrust his body fast making her body jerk rapidly. But there was no voice from her mouth and after sometime her breath become weak and she fell into unconscious state.

The man frowned and his face showed a disgust expression as he withdraw himself from her and pushed her on the side. He go up grabbing his blue rob and covered his naked body. A man dressed in black appeared before him kneeling.

"Go, take the body and throw it in the brothel" the man in blue rob ordered.

The man in black nodded before walking towards bed and scooped the girl up on his shoulder not bothering to cover the naked body with cloths then silently left the room.

The blue robed man watched the scene before he banged his hand on the wall angrily "such a useless woman. Couldn't even stand 6 rounds of sex. What a useless body" he cursed.

It has already been a week since his new prey rescued from his clutch. He couldn't stand such humiliation and started to get girl and ruin them severely until they bleed or couldn't take the torment.

"Your majesty Master poison is here" the guard from outside informed.

Riharsh's eyes flashed with evil intent as he strode outside. A middle aged man was sitting in the meeting hall and a glass of wine was served for him. When he saw the royal person walking inside he stood up and greeted but what he didn't expect was in next moment he was held by his neck.

"You...rrrr... majesty" master poison chocked as his eyes grew wide.

"You said your poison will work deadly. What the hell did you used? You deceived me" Riharsh's voice become colder as he gripped the necked more tightly.

"Your Majesty this servant does not know. Please spare my life" master poison pleaded as he struggled to keep his life in the hold of Riharsh.

Riharsh narrowed his eyes he threw the person on the floor "you said that bastard will remain cripple for the rest of his life and no one will be able to cure him. Then how the fuck did he get recovered from the poison you gave him?" He roared.

Master poison was rubbing his neck but the movement of his hand stopped when he heard the words. He looked up and asked "your majesty implying about Samrat's second prince?"

Riharsh glared at him "if not him then who it could be? Do you think I have time to joke?"

"Pless your majesty I never meant that way. Of course I have given the most dangerous poison to make the second prince cripple for life. That poison will suck the life-force of his legs and will cripple him forever"

Riharsh looked at him before walking towards his kings seat and sit down. He grabbed the glass of wine and gulped down in one sip.

"Oh, you mean you have given the dangerous poison and still he recovered from it? Do I look like a fool to you?"

Master poison who was still sitting on floor trembled. This man before him does not know 'kind' word. He is the epitome of cruel being. He even wonder if this person is human. If it was not for his father serving the former king he wouldn't have tangled himself in such tragic situation. But what surprised him was he did given the most dangerous poison. He don't even have the antidote of that then how come the second prince recovered? His eyes widened. Is there someone greater than him? In that case he would definitely want to meet the person personally.

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