Chapter 47 - The Final Reply

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The banquet hall was prepared well and the maids preparing the dining table placed in center. Some small flower vases were placed with  fine dish sets. The foods were made according to the temple rules so most of the items are vegan style. Even though most of the royal are not habituated having vegan foods but since they are staying in temple they couldn't help but accept the fact. Soon the sun raised above the head and the afternoon bell rang. The banquet hall started to fill with royal presence.

Jagdish and Sakshi were the one who arrived first followed by Rashmi and Kaushik. Seeing the preparation of the banquet Sakshi felt satisfaction in her heart but again thinking about her son's deeds, it made her satisfaction drown in water.

"How should we propose when Kaushik has done something like that?" She asked her husband.

Jagdish pondered for a while "I am also thinking the same. It's hard to get any solution. But after judging it from every angle I can say that even though that brat offended the maid but it's still a mere maid serving the empress. To compensate I think we should propose for the marriage alliance to the empress for her maid. Even though our son is crafty but he is still a prince. Since he tried to ruin the dignity of a young girl then it's better for him to marry her to take the responsibility. In this way I think the empress won't refute nor it will present any bad influence before his majesty and empress dowager"

Hearing this Sakshi felt little relief "in that case I think your majesty is right. But I don't know why but I still feel little amiss in this matter. I have seen the empress before. She is sly and intelligent, what if this method does not work at last?"

Jagdish frowned "you are not the only one who met her. I have seen her too. It's true she is sly and if Kaushik goes to get duel with her, that brat won't even stand chance to stay still for a minute. For s woman like her, she does not need to use weapons and for such temperament only few words from her is enough. As said words are more powerful than any weapons. It can pierce heart without taking any move"

Sakshi  nodded "that's what I am fearing about. What if our plan doesn't work the table turned against us? Besides the empress dowager treats the empress like her own daughter so if something happens she will definitely take her side"

Jagdish nodded "you are right. Even his majesty treats her well. I have seen their affection already. I have to think in this matter thoroughly. Go and prepare to welcome them grandly"

"Yes" Sakshi nodded then walk towards the table to see if there's any lack.

Soon the royals of Samrat arrived and Sakshi was there to welcome them.

"Finally, I have been waiting to welcome you your highness" she said as soon as she saw Chityakanta.

"I was at praying hall when Nandini sent her maid to remind me about the banquet. I almost forgot about it" Chityakanta smiled.

"Of course, empress is really generous for taking care of everything" Sakshi nodded.

After Chityakanta the second person was Manik and Vaibhav and Jagdish was the one to welcome them. Once they seated Sakshi gradually turned to look towards the entrance then looked at her husband. The couple communicated silently through eyes. The person they were waiting impatiently has not arrived yet.

"Empress is not here, So let's start the banquet with tea" Sakshi said with smile.

Jagdish nodded in agreement with her so he grabbed the cup of tea placed before him and raised a little "your majesty let's first toasting this cup of tea to start the banquet"

Hearing it everyone raised their tea cup and join the toast for starting.  Just as they laid the cups on table after drinking there was a commotion outside showing another guest has arrived. Before Sakshi could go and welcome Nandini already walked inside the hall followed by her two maids. There was no other maids other than the two which made the Royals of Virat slightly frowned. In their view, the title of empress is higher in status so there should be countless amount of maids serving the empress, even Rashmi had 10-12 maids beside her to take care of her ever needs. But now seeing only two maids behind empress it made Sakshi's heart tightened even more.

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