Chapter 91 - Empress Loves Lemons

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In East Peria...

"What information did you get from them?" Riharsh asked as his eyes fixed on the goblet he was  holding. The golden material contained a red liquid which was wiggling with the movement of his hand.

"Your majesty, master poison has already been in the prison of Samrat. Though the emperor didn't give him hard punishment, it is said that master poison will live there till his death" Uluk replied, informing what he got from the secret informer from Samrat.

"The emperor didn't killed him?" Riharsh frowned "this is not how Manik works. Given the fact how much he cares for that step brother, how come he didn't become enraged and beheaded Umaj immediately?"

"Your majesty thinks there's something in this matter?"

"This whole matter feels weird. Manik won't tolerate anyone who harms his brother but now he really did spare the life of the sinner who almost ruined the life of Vaibhav" Riharsh tried to find any reason that could match the current situation but he failed. He couldn't understand why the emperor of Samrat suddenly changed his way of thinking.

"Forget it. What about the medic who cured Vaibhav. Have you got any information?"

Uluk shook his head "no your majesty. Our secret guards are spread around to find the information or any traces but they still couldn't get anything about that matter"

"Bunch of fools" Riharsh shouted as he clenched his fist "they could not find a medic. What's the point of feeding them when they can't even find a little information?"

"Your majesty should not get angry. The reason for the failure is that we still don't know who actually cured the second prince. That person suddenly becomes invisible and our guards don't know anything about that medic so getting information is quite hard. If we could know anything related to that person it would be easier to trace him" Uluk tried his best to give a reasonable answer.

"Tell them to look deeply. I need that medic who cured the second prince. Such a talent, how can I miss this opportunity? If we could find that person then even if Umaj is not here, we will still get chance to use against Samrat"

"Yes, your majesty," Uluk nodded.

"Are they ready?" Riharsh gulped the red liquid as he asked.

"Yes, they will be arriving in birder in two days"

A smirk suddenly appeared on his lips. The liquid ran down his throat giving a burning sensation but he felt satisfied with this.

"Good, I don't want to wait anymore. All these years I have been waiting for this perfect opportunity and now that it has arrived, I would like to see how he gets away from my clutches this time?"

Then a roar of laughter filled the entire room.

In Samrat Nandini was listening to the speech Chityakanta giving her. Once it was confirmed that she was expecting, Chityakanta didn't left her side. Chityakanta was not a frequent visitor of Rise Palace, but now she was almost living there.

"The head physician said everything is normal and there's no complications yet but that doesn't mean you can neglect and not care about your help" Chityakanta said as she took a sip of her tea "this time is such a tender period for woman, you need to take special care about yourself and also try to change some certain things. Sitting here all day  is not good. You should take walk in the garden"

"I understand mother" Nandini felt helpless. Even Maya was not bothered like this when she was in the early stage of pregnancy. But she doesn't know why Chityakanta is paying extra attention towards her. She had a headache.

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