rainy day

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Pitter-patter, the rhythmic sound of rain continuously hitting the ground had always been something calming for Tanjiro. As a small child, he disliked the rain because he couldn't play outside. He had many memories of sitting inside pouting because of the rain. But as he grew older, he loved it. Watching the rainfall as he drank a warm cup of tea brought a peaceful feeling to his soul.

At this time, Tanjiro was in the Butterfly Mansion. The recent mission had resulted in a few injuries to each of them. The water breath user had always worried about Inosuke though, to put it simply, he was reckless. Inosuke was very stubborn, independent, impulsive, and foolish. But, he was very strong, and beautiful, and adorable when he pouted, and he was so cute when he slept, and.. and... I really need to stop thinking about this, Tanjiro thought. Maybe, if I read a book, I'll calm down.

Putting his hand over his mouth in an attempt to eliminate the blush that had formed just from thinking about Inosuke. Tanjiro sat down with a sigh as he positioned himself with his back against a nearby wall. To his right sat the opened doors leading to outside. He took a moment to just breathe and admire the rain falling to the ground as the earthy aroma of rain drifted through the window. Sipping on his tea, he began reading the large novel he had received as a gift from one of the men in a village, where he successfully slayed a demon. The old man had given Tanjiro the thick novel as a sign of gratitude.

The memories of that trip suddenly came rushing into his head. He remembered being fearful and his heart pounding against his chest like the steady beat of a drum. The sudden sound of footsteps brought the redhead out of his reverie. He snapped his head towards the doorway at the sudden sound, hand instinctively reaching for his weapon. All of a sudden a black-haired man walked through the door, boar head in hand. Inosuke was wearing pants that were low hanging on his hips and his body was flush from a shower. His hair was damp, blue shining at the tips. Bandage was wrapped tightly around his ribs, due to the fact that he fractured them during the recent fight.

Blood ran to the redhead's face. "H-hey Inosuke. What are you doing here?" Tanjiro mentally cursed at himself for sounding so shaky. Inosuke didn't say anything instead he just walked over and sat down next to the redhead. This is... odd, thought Tanjiro. "Inosuke, are you alright?" The slayer asked, concern laced in his words. The shorter man only blinked and stared forward. Damn, what is wrong with him. The taller man thought intensely... Is he upset?

"Inosuke. Are you sad?" A confused expression spread across the man's face. Inosuke seemed to be in deep thought before suddenly laying his head in the others lap, placing his boar head to the side. The redhead froze in place, mind going a million miles a minute. The slayer took a deep breath. How would I comfort my siblings? "Inosuke. Do you want me to read to you?" A nod came from his lap. The shorter man visibly relaxed at the soft voice, relaxing into the warmth. Tanjiro remembered the days where his younger siblings were upset and this is what he would do to comfort them. A soft smile fell over his face at the memory.

Inosukes eyes started to slowly drift close. Tanjiro slipped his hand into the shorter man's bi-colored hair and began to massage his scalp. Its so much lighter and softer then Nezukos. Soft snores could be heard as Inosuke slowly drifted to sleep. The water breath user slipped off his kaori and draped it over the man below as a makeshift blanket. I should let him rest.. He needs it. Tanjiro softly sighed when continuing to massage Inosukes scalp before picking up the novel before continuing to read out loud.

The rhythmic pattering sound of rain began to get heavier, drowning out the creaking sound of the door opening and someone stepping into the room. "Tanjiro-" Aoi started, in her usual firm tone. Tanjiro quickly brought a finger up to his lips, signaling for her to be quiet. "Hey Aoi," he whispered "Can you please keep it down? " The short girl glanced between the two silently before shuffling awkwardly back out the door. What.. just happened?

The redhead continued to stare at the door, face twisted in confusion. Before he could fully absorb what had just happened, Aoi was walking back in with a futon and blankets. She started setting up the bed quietly muttering something about how late it was and "Getting proper rest". Inosuke fussed in his sleep and stirred slightly at the intrusion, the other man was quick to calm him, rubbing gentle circles onto his back as Aoi finished setting up the futon.

"You two get some rest. Training starts early tomorrow morning." she barked, softly closing the door behind her. Tanjiro blinked sleepily before wiggling out from underneath Inosuke where his thigh had gone numb. A whimper of discomfort could be heard as he stood up, stretching to hear the satisfying pops of his joints. Here comes the hard part. Tanjiro sighed shakily before picking up Inosuke, being cautious of his bandages on his ribs. Said man stirred in the others arms before finally settling. He looks so.. peaceful like this

The redhead let out a breath that he didn't know was he was holding. He placed down his best friend, making sure his head was comfortable against the futon before settling in next to him. Tanjiro pulled the covers above their bodies and his companion immediately curled into him, seeking warmth. Strong arms wrapped themselves around the sleeping mans waist, one hand coming up to rub soft circles into the black haired mans back. Tanjiro nuzzled into the crook of Inosukes neck, inhaling deeply. Inosuke was giving off a .. calm, content scent. I wonder what got into him? But, before he could think too long about his question, sleep had overtaken him. Damn, I have to tell him how I feel soon.

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