open window

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A cool breeze blew through the open window of Tanjiros' room.

Between a long day at school and tough practice, Tanjiro decided it was best to wind down before going to sleep. But, it was strange, he hadn't spoken to his boyfriend all day. I guess he's busy with hockey.

Sipping on his tea, Tanjiro continued to read his novel. A knock on his bedroom door startled him out of his thoughts. "Tanjiro?" Nezuko questioned, looking at her brother. Tanjiro cleared his throat before speaking, "Yes, Nezuko?" His sister fully stepped into the room, closing the door behind her. "Look at the time, please go to sleep," She started "I know you're stressed but you need sleep." Tanjiro glanced at the clock that read 11 o'clock, before smiling softly. "Please take my cup?"

Nezuko hugged her brother before picking up the tea cup that sat on the night stand. "Goodnight, I love you." "Love you too." Nezuko left the room, closing the door gently. Time for bed, I guess. Tanjiro shut off his lamp and laid down with his back facing the open window. The warmth of the soft sheets consumed him in a comfortable sleep.

Creak. The red head was pulled out of his soft sleep by a creak at his window. He blinked the sleep out of his eyes before thinking, What is at my window?... Tanjiro rolled over, toward the window.


"What?" Inosuke snapped, climbing through the window. "Ino, I live on the second story of this house.." Hashibira blinked, "And?" Awkward silence filled the empty space. "Never mind."
Inosuke walked over to the dresser, changing into the clothes he had left there.

"Come here." Tanjiro called from under the covers.  Inosuke walked over and wriggled his way under the blankets. The redhead wrapped his soft arms around his boyfriend and intertwined their legs. "Comfy?" Tanjiro received a positive hum. "Can you take out my hair?" Inosuke mumbled, pushing his face impossibly further into his lover's shoulder.

Wordlessly, the redhead took out the hair tie and started combing out the knots that made their way into his hair. "Go to sleep Inosuke, I don't know why you're trying to stay awake."

"I'm not even tired." his voice was muffled by Tanjiros' shoulder. The redhead giggled, patting his lover's back. "Go to sleep, I'll be here when you wake up." Inosuke hummed, attempting to move closer to his boyfriend. "Love you."

Tanjiro was silent for a second, before smiling and nuzzling his face into Inosukes' hair. "I love you too, dear."

424 words

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