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Inosuke loves to fight, he's good at it too. There is nothing like the adrenaline pumping through his veins as he leaps and dodges attacks. The soft crunch underneath his knuckles as he punches someone's skull, rendering them unconscious. Fighting was the one thing he was good at. He got a chance to use his brute strength, and it was a good thing!

This is why he's confused about how he got into this state. The black-haired man was sitting on the curb of the sidewalk, drinking a soda he got from the vending machine. He's covered in several wounds and bruises. This is bullshit, Inosuke thought downing the rest of the sugary drink before crushing the can. Why can't I be smart like Monjiro, he tossed the can into the recycling before pulling out his phone.

Clicking the contact 'gonpachiro' before typing, "can i come over?" He leaned against a wall wincing at the way his body ached and the sting of his cuts. Not even a minute later his phone buzzed in his pants pocket. Tapping on the notification that read " Sure Inosuke! You are welcome over any time! I'm sure everyone is going to love seeing you again. <3" His lips gently upturned as he read the message, letting out a soft sigh as he started walking toward the Kamado residence.

He got about halfway there before he looked up at the clouds. They are dark and swollen with water threatening to escape any moment, Goddamnit he thought as he continued walking. Inosuke is soaked head to toe with rainwater as he walks up the driveway, water continuously pouring down on him. Tanjiros house is something he envied.

Tanjiro had a house the was homey and welcoming. It gave off a nice gentle warmth, everyone inside was kind and respected him. They accepted him for his honest self, unlike his mother and father. His own home was a place of dread, it felt.. empty, and cold. He hated being there so much that he would avoid it at all costs, his mother was rude and neglected him, and even hit him. His father was even worse. Inosuke grimaced at the thought before knocking on the door.

Soft footsteps could be heard before the door was gently pulled open. Tanjiro stood behind the door, he was wearing gray sweatpants, a black hoodie, and his house slippers. What surprised Inosuke was the baby on the man's hip, staring at him with wide, innocent eyes. He looked back into the baby's eyes. "Come in before you catch a cold!" The black-haired man nodded before stepping inside, closing the door behind him. " Inosuke what happened?!" concern lacing every word as he spoke. I really don't deserve him, do I?

"I got into a fight with some bi-" he paused reconsidering what he was about to say, Tanjiro hates cussing around his younger siblings"I got into a fight with someone at school and my Dad kinda-" the was part of the sentence was left up to interpretation as he picked at the half-dried blood on his knuckles. "I won of course! A king always wins!" he tried keeping up his regular attitude but failing in the process.

A sigh was heard from Tanjiro. "How about this, I'll run you a shower and you can sleepover for the night. We'll be eating dinner soon anyway and my mom would love to have you stay." The shorter man thought for what could only be a second before saying "If it's alright with you." A warm smile spread across the other man's face "It always is Ino. You're my boyfriend after all." He whispered the last part before placing a kiss on his lover's forehead. "I love you so much, Ino. You can't even begin to imagine."

Tanjiro whispered into his boyfriend's ear. Inosuke glowed bright red as he was handed something..
human like? "Please take care of him while I'm gone." Tanjiro let out a cheeky grin as he walked away. Inosuke held the infant close to his chest as he walked to the kitchen, being careful with the baby.

Tanjiros mother looked up from what she was doing before a worried expression spreads across her face, much like the one Tanjiro wore a few minutes ago. "Inosuke what happened to you?!" She put her spoon down before she rushed over to the boy, inspecting his wounds. Inosuke gulped audibly. "Just a little something at school. Nothing to worry about." Kie gave him a sorrowful look.

"You're re welcome to stay for the night or even a couple of days if needed. Our home is always open." Three other children got up from their seats at the table and ran over to where the conversation was happening. They crowded around his legs while whining to their mother about something. Inosuke just slightly nodded before walking in the direction Tanjiro went.

The black-haired man walked into the bathroom to see fresh clothes and a towel sitting on the seat of the toilet. Inosuke was watching the distant look in his boyfriend's eyes before he felt a gentle tug on the bottom of his hair. He quickly glanced down at the source of the pull, only to see the small infant pulling at his hair. What- "Uh, Monjiro?" Inosuke was speaking in a quiet panicked tone. Tanjiro was quickly pulled out of his reverie "Yes?" "I think it's broken." The redhead whipped his head around blinking twice, a confused expression plastered onto his face. "Oh, he's got your hair?" "Yeah, but why is he eating it?" Tanjiro simply shrugged before taking back the baby.

"You can shower now, call me if you need anything. Dinner should almost be done by the time you're out," he took a breath, "Come to my room when you're done, and i'll dress your wounds." and with that Inosuke was alone. Sighing, he turned on the shower and let it get to a warm temperature before stepping in. He purred softly as he scrubbed the blood out of his hair before gently scrubbing at the now dry blood that had formed around his cuts. Stepping out he quickly dried and put on clothes before heading to Tanjiros room.

The redhead sat on the corner of the bed, sewing what looked to be a child's skirt. Warm, salty tears started to flow from Inosukes eyes. A pair of crimson eyes meant his before rushing over to comfort him. "Inosuke, why are you crying," a panicked tone came from Tanjiro as he embraced his boyfriend. He almost never cries, what is wrong with him, the taller man rubbed gentle circles on his lover's back. Inosuke let Tanjiro take his weight as he sobbed. This was long overdue.

The redhead continued to whisper sweet nothings into the others ear until he calmed down enough to speak. "Do you want to talk about it?" The black-haired man shook his head. He hasn't shut down like this before. So, what does he need? A thought clicked in Tanjiro's head. I guess it's worth the shot? "Do you want to take a nap with me?"

Inosuke quickly nodded before pulling back the blankets and snuggling up. The other man quickly nodded before joining him. Tanjiro quickly snuggled up behind his boyfriend, nuzzling his head in the crook of the other's neck. After about 20 minutes after Inosuke fell asleep, the door suddenly opened. The redhead quickly looked up to see his sister Nezuko wearing a sly smile on her face. Tanjiro rolled his eyes and put his index finger to his lips, signaling for her to be quiet. She rolled her eyes and exited the room. This was going to be a long couple of days.

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