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~Cubby Tanjiro ~

       "Man, practice today was brutal." Inosuke grumbled, as he walked through the bedroom door. He had just gotten out of the shower, and was drying his hair. "I can imagine. " Tanjiro closed his book. "You can close the door. I'm sure Nezuko will hear if Rokuta starts crying."

Inosuke gently shut the door, a habit he pick up from sleeping over at the Kamados so often. With that, they fell into their usual nighttime routine. Tanjiro took off his glasses and placed them on top of his book, then shut off the bedside lamp, before slipping under the covers.

Inosuke grinned before joining his boyfriend under the covers and wiggling to settle behind him. Muscular arms wrapped around his torso and Tanjiro immediately tensed.

"Stop sucking in your stomach. You know I hate it when you do that."

Tanjiro started to tear up at the sudden affection. "Ino I love you so so much." his voice wavered while he was trying not to cry. Inosuke just placed kisses along his boyfriend's cheek and his soft jawline before nuzzling into his shoulder. A gentle breeze blew throw the open window, caressing the couple.

"g'night." he muttered softly before falling asleep. "yeah. goodnight ino."

191 words ~

AN/ this was short and sweet so i hope you enjoy<3

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