piggy back ride

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"practice same time tomorrow!" coach susamaru exclaimed joyously, packing up the cones and the soccer balls. tanjiro lay down on the grass with a thunk, panting from exertion as he drank from his water bottle.

"im afraid to say this, but i miss coach tomioka." genya sighed, flopping down next to him ungratefully. the red head lightly chuckled before getting his phone from his bag to check his notifications.
mom- come home straight after practice, bring inosuke too. sent 4:34 pm

zenitsu- TANJIRO HELP sent 4:54pm

zenitsu- SEND HOMEWORK ANSWERS PLS sent 4:54pm

zenitsu- oh ur at practice lol nvm sent 4:57

kanao- of course! it was no trouble really. sent 5:02 pm

nezuko- we should totally go to this cat café soon!! you can bring inosuke and ill bring zen * 2 attachments* sent 5:36 pm

my love<33- im comjng to pick you up frim pratice at luje 6 be ready sent 5:48 pm

tanjiro sipped on his water as he read the texts he had received during practice. "genya what time is it?" he asked absentmindedly whilst changing out of his cleetes and taking off his shin pads. "time for you to get a watch." he muttered, stifling a laugh. tanjiro stopped in his tracks to glare and the other. "fine, its 6:02, " he dramatically sighed.

shit im late. tanjiro slipped on his slides and grabbed his bag hurriedly. "sorry i have to go." the redhead jogged over to the end of the field where inosuke was standing, looking only slightly annoyed. "what took you so damn long?" he spat in greeting. "well hello to you too," tanjiro pecked the others lips "i was only-" he checked his phone, "4 minutes late."

inosuke rolled his eyes as they started walking back home. not many words were shared as they walked, only the occasional observation from inosuke about a bug or plant. this 15 minute walk feels so long today, my legs ache. tanjiro adjusts the straps of his soccer bag before yawning into his fist.

"sleepy?" the younger boy asked. "yea i am actually. coach susamaru made us do drills the whole time, then she made us run laps." he sighed. inosuke hummed in response before continuing to walk. he looks deep in thought, tanjiro smiles at the thought.

"do you want me to give you a back ride thing home?"

it came out as a whisper, while his usual boisterous attitude faded into something of embarrassment. after a beat of silence, and inosukes nervous fidgeting, tanjiro gently smiled.

"of course inosuke, id love that."

inosuke jumped excited before turning his back to his boyfriend, waiting patiently for him to jump on. the redhead jumped on the other's back, and quickly wrapped his arms around the other's neck. "wow, you're really strong, love!" tanjiro shifted in his grasp, adjusting his soccer bag on his back.

the already thrilled boy grinned as he started to walk toward his boyfriends house. "i know right! im the strongest ever!" the older boy giggled, no matter how much i praise him, he'll never get tired if it.

the cool early november air nipped at his bare legs as he snuggled closer to his boyfriend,nuzzling into his neck. "ino you're always so warm, 's cozy." he muttered, resting his head on the other's shoulder as they continued.

he smells like old spice. god i love him.

inosuke hummed in response, looking at the sun setting below the horizon as the chilly fall air settled around them. "you should leave your hair down more." tanjiro decided, blinking slowly as he observed the sence around them.

the leaves changing, the crisp chilly air, and the early sunset. it was beautiful, really. the older boy shivered as he moved impossibly closer to his boyfriend. "-is annoying." inosuke finished, adjusting the other on his back. "what? im sorry i spaced out." the younger boy scoffed, " i said that leaving my hair down gets in my way and it's annoying." annoyance seeping into his tone as he spoke.

"you should tell me about your day." he said from his spot on his lover's back, placing small pecks along the other's jawline lazily, before pulling back to admire his boyfriend. how did i get so lucky?  "so this morning on my walk to school-" the black haired man started, speaking in his usual gruff voice.

with a sigh, the other closed his eyes,keeping them open was to much effort. as he listened to the voice of his boyfriend, the exhaustion of the day began to set in as he started dozing off into a light sleep.

"he really does love you," kie stated out of nowhere as she handed inosuke a dish to dry. he made quick work of drying the dishes left over from dinner, "how do you know that?" kie sighed as she continued to wash a glass.

"he looks at you the way tanjuro used to look at me."

835 words. i think sonat least..

i know inosukes text has spelling mistakes, it was done on purpose. also tanjiro being downbad for inosuke ^ - ^!! inosuke loves tanjiro btw, its just hard for him to show it. oh and tanjiro is wearing his soccer uniform, and inosuke is wearing sweatpants and a hoodie, its fall. yes inosuke smells like old spice.

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