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"i'm home." tanjiro called out into his seemingly empty apartment as he kicked off his shoes at the door. he sighed as he hung his coat up on the coat rack and threw his bookbag on the floor.

after a long day of classes and work, all the redhead wanted was to call his boyfriend and fall asleep on the phone. he wanted to be warm and secure in his bed, listening to his boyfriend speak as sleep overcame him.

tanjiro sighed as he walked to his room to change into pajamas. as he approached his room, the first thing he noticed was the open window letting in soft moon light and a crisp breeze. weird.. i'm sure i closed it before i left.

although he didn't think much of it, he lived on the third floor of the building after all.. right? not to mention, the only people who had a spare key was nezuko and inosuke.

he quickly flipped on the light to his bedroom, before a human-shaped lump on his bed caught his attention. kamado slowly approached the form cautiously, before realizing his mistake. damp blue and black hair stuck out wildly from under the blankets.

he sighed in relief, it's just inosuke. the redhead took a few deep breaths, willing his heart rate to slow down. "inosuke," he shook his boyfriend, "what are you doing here, love?"

his lover blinked sleepily, "don't feel good." he whined nasily, closing his eyes. "let me feel your head, love." he sat down, placing the back of his hand on the others head. he feels a little feverish.

"you feel a little warm, i'll go get you some medicine to take." tanjiro grabbed sweatpants and a soft pajama shirt to change into as he headed to get cold medicine.

"inosuke, take this." the tired boy rolled over and opened his mouth. the redhead plopped a pill on the others tounge, bringing a glass of water up to the others lips. inosuke gulped down the water, not knowing how thirsty he had been.

giggling at his antics, tanjiro set the glass down on the side table next to them. gently running fingers through inky, damp hair he sighed.

"okay love, let's go back to sleep." he turned off the light, and snuggled in bed holding his boyfriend close to his chest.

"are you wearing my clothes?" tanjiro had asked gently, not concerned with his lovers behavior. "mhm" was all he heard in reply, followed by a sniff.

"my poor boy is sick." he coddled the other, placing kisses on his head. inosuke snuggled closer to his boyfriend, whining at the feeling of being sick.

"go to sleep hun, it's all okay now." he whispered into the darkness, rubbing comforting circles on the others back through his soft shirt. the redhead absently hummed a tune, as he listened to the others shallow breaths.

482 words
authors note:
college au
inosuke definitely does this when he isnt sick too, he just likes tanjiros bed. i also wanted to write a bounus but whatever. enjoy!!

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