movie night

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old rap music played through the speakers of the garage as inosuke wiped car oil off his hands. the cool air drifted through the open garage, as inosuke ran his fingers through his hair. "fixed?" tengen asked, continuing to chew his gum obnoxious while playing on his phone.

"of course i fixed it," he pushed a stray hair behind his ear "i want new speakers though." he slammed the trunk of his old, beloved, truck. "well if you help me with the new antiques coming in next week, i might be able to hook you up with some speakers." tengen didnt bother looking up from his phone, blowing a bubble with his gum.

"hell yeah!" he hooted in excitement about the cars, "what needs to be done?" uzui actually looked up from his phone in thought. "well they need to be-" a shrill sound of a phone ringing cut through the air.

inosuke pulled his phone out of the pocket of his oversized jeans. "damn, wait a second." he muttered before answering the facetime.

"hi love!" tanjiro exclaimed on the other side of the phone. "hey, what's up?" he responded, putting his phone down to retie his hair. "oh you're working in the garage?" he nodded, hairs falling back into their usual place. "we are done for the night though! he's all yours." tengen says winking as he nudged inosuke.

he rolled his eyes, "i have a question." the boy on the phone said. "hm?" hashibira responded, cleaning up his tools and wiping oil off himself. "we are having a movie night tonight and everyone wants you to come, so can you please come?" he glanced back at the phone, "of course everyone wants me there! i'll be there soon."

after the call ended, tengen looked at him with a smirk. "'movie night' huh?" hashibira sighed, "shut the fuck up," he snapped, clambering into his lifted truck, "text me when i need work on those cars." the roar of the truck starting overpowered anything uzui said, as inosuke rolled the windows down and turned the music up. "i'm out." was all he said before driving out of the garage.

inosuke parked outside of the kamado household and hopped out of his truck. "i'm here!" he called kicking off his dirty sneakers at the door and making his way to the living room in his socks. "inosuke!" his boyfriend greeted excitedly, giving him a hug. "hey gonpachiro." he grinned into burgendy tuffs of hair.

"hello inosuke." tanjuro greeted from his usual spot on the sofa, "go shower and come join us."
he nodded letting go of his boyfriend and heading to the washroom.

he gathered his clothes, baggy gray sweatpants and black socks, before stripping himself of his jeans and socks. the water was warm as is cascaded down his body as he scrubbed himself and his hair clean. once he was clean, inosuke stepped out of the shower and got dressed in his fresh clothes.

by the time hashibira was done with his shower, the smell of popcorn filled the house. the living had been turned into a makeshift theater, by kie ( with the help of the little ones, of course.)

"where's monjiro?" he asks laying down on one side of the large sofa, proping his head up with pillows. "tanjiro is changing into his pjamas." tanjuro replied, looking away from the tv and redirecting his attention over to the teen.

inosukes thumbs moved quickly arcoss the keyboard of his phone, before tanjiro flopped down on his chest. he spread his arms and welcomed his boyfriend to lay on his chest.

"who where you texting?" tanjiro asked, moverering so he was half-spooning his boyfriend. "tengen. he was asking if i was free after school tuesday so i can fix these damn cars," he sighed shutting off his phone and putting it down next to them.

"don't you have practice?" he asked playing with his boyfriends chain. "yeah, i don't have time for his dumbass. it pays well though so i'll start after practice i guess."

their conversation was interrupted by kie covering them in with blanket before sitting down next to her husband, smirk evident on her face. nezuko was on the floor with the rest of the kamado siblings, though most of them were falling asleep.

inosukes rough pads of his fingers gently massaged tanjiros side through his pajama shirt as he watched the movie. the redhead glanced up at the other, only to see him mesmerized by the almost overstimulating bright colors and fast animations of the movie.

tanjiro smiled at his lovers childishness, and rested  his head down on the others chest, listening to the strong steady beat of his heart.

as the credits started to roll, nezuko and tanjuro carried the younger children to their beds while kie cleaned up their mess. after bringing all of the dishes to the kitchen to be washed, kie realized that her son and his boyfriend were asleep on the sofa.

without a word, she draped a thin blanket over their sleeping forms and kissed their foreheads before heading to bed.


tanjiro lay awake on inosukes chest, taking advantage of the warmth he produced. his eyes blinked slowly and sleepily as he woke up.

"good morning, love." he placed a gentle kiss on the others' lips. "go back to sleep." inosuke grumbled, wrapping his muscular arms around the other. tanjiro smiled before accepting his fate of morning cuddles.

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