5 seconds

713 9 2

5 seconds left on the clock.

He moved his legs faster than he ever had before. We're almost there. He shoved someone out of the way before swinging back his stick. He swung his stick with all his might, sweat dripping down his face. The puck went flying toward the goal. Oh, shit. The buzzer beeped loudly, and the crowd roared. He had just scored the winning point.

The bellows of the crowd became faint in his ears as he was looking for one person. Inosuke made quick work of skating up to the acrylic panels that lined the stadium, looking for his boyfriend. His boyfriend. There he is. Tanjiro stood staring back at him with admiration and love in his eyes. I love him so much. Inosuke blows a kiss towards his lover and gives him a cheeky wink.

Inosuke quickly stripped himself of his uniform top and skated around, banging on the glass with his stick, before skating to the middle of the rink.

He was lifted up by his cheering teammates. "Ino! Ino!" a familiar voice called. Oh.. it's Tanjiro.
"Put me down." Inosuke quickly spat. "Oooo! Now that your boyfriend's here, you're going to act like a pussy. " Genya sneered while lowering the man. Inosuke rolled his eyes at him before skating over to Tanjiro.

"You did so well, sweetheart!" Grinning ear to ear, Inosuke picked up his boyfriend and planted a soft, delicate kiss on his warm, slightly chapped lips.

The redheads' eyes widened in surprise at the unexpected action before he melted into the warmth of the kiss, his hands looping around Inosukes' neck.

The crowd clapped and cheered for the couple. Tanjiro broke the kiss and giggled before resting his head on the other's shoulder. "Inosuke, get your hands off my ass," he whispered, just receiving a squeeze in response.

Is this what it's like to feel appreciated?

"Dude, how did you do that!?" one of his teammates asked, as the crowd shuffled through the exit. He sported his famous cocky grin. "Pure skill. It was amazing, right? " Inosuke cackled wildly, walking into the locker room. "Hashibira, that was amazing!" another teammate exclaimed. Inosuke continued to get dressed in his sweatpants and old, dirty, white sneakers before answering, "I'm the best! That's why! " He slung his bag over his shoulder and walked out of the locker room.

"You did so well, love! I'm so proud of you! " Tanjiro wrapped him in a bone-crushing hug. "But you need to put a shirt on before you catch a cold," he whispered into Inosukes' ear, lovingly. Inosuke yawned, "Nah, I'm good." The redhead sighed before grabbing the others' hand. "Can I stay at your house tonight? My dad is... "he stammered, fidgeting with Tanjiros' fingers. "Of course, darling." he kissed Inosukes' cheek. "As long as you promise to let me take care of you."

The black-haired man sighed. "I don't need "taken care of" Tanjiro shot the other a look "Inosuke Hashibira," Inosuke shivered."I know for a fact you have bruises, blisters, and... whatever else. Let me help you! " Inosuke picked at the scabs on his knuckles before sighing dramatically and rolling his eyes. "Fine." Tanjiro mused, a shit-eating grin on his face.

As the pair made their way up the driveway of the house, it had begun to lightly sprinkle. Inosuke stopped mid-stride and looked up at the rain beginning to fall. Something doesn't seem right with him...I hate that he never tells me how he's feeling.

"Inosuke, what's wrong?" Inosuke turns around, looking utterly exhausted. "I'm tired and sweaty." Tanjiro sighs, "Let's get you inside," before dragging the other boy inside.

As Tanjiro pulled open the door, Inosuke was immediately hit with warmth.

Warmth was the best way to describe it. The Kamados always carried warmth.

Inosuke slipped off his shoes and put his bag down on top of them, then went to go find Kie. "Kie, did Tanjiro tell you yet? " Hashibira walked into the kitchen to find Kie reading while sipping tea. "Of course he did! And he sent me the video! " Kie pulled the boy into a pulverizing hug. "I'm so proud of you, honey," she muttered into his shoulder. Inosuke hugged back tightly, inhaling the floral scent that seemed to follow the woman.

Whats with the Kamados and hugging?

"Tanjiro is worried about you, y'know?" she bluntly stated, releasing him. Inosuke sighs, "I know, I know." A few moments of silence pass, then, "Listen, Honey, our house is always open to you." She starts, "And-I'm not sure what's going on at home. I won't pry. But Tanjuro and I love you, and we are glad you are dating our son. "

Inosuke stood listening intensely to what she was saying. "Thank you," he cleared his throat, "so much." He gave one last hug before leaving to go see Tanjuro. He's probably in the living room. Inosuke quickly padded to the living room to see the older man sitting on the sofa with his son next to him.

"Hey Ino! I was just telling Dad about the game. " Tanjiro exclaimed, looking over at his father. "Ah, Inosuke, my boy. Come sit. " Wordlessly, Inosuke sat where Tanjiro's father patted on the sofa. "So, from what Tanjiro tells me, you scored the winning point?" Inosuke tensely said, "Yes, Sir." Tanjiro sent his boyfriend a look of concern. "Ah, no need to speak so properly, son. " Tanjuro sighed, "I wish we could have come along with Tanjiro to watch."

" Don't worry about it, Dad! You can come to the championship game next Friday! Right, Inosuke? " Tanjiro chimed in. "Of course, we're going to win anyway. " Hashibira smirked. "Cocky, aren't we?" Tanjuro asked, smirking at their banter. "Of course I am." All three men burst out into uncontrollable laughter. "Phew," he started. "Well, I won't hold you any longer. Go take a shower and get some rest. " "Yes, sir." Inosuke stood up and stretched.

"See you later, Dad." Tanjiro took his lover's hand and dragged him upstairs and into his bedroom. "Get in the shower. It's getting late and I know you're tired. " The redhead rambled, throwing clothes at the other. "Can I-" "You can say hello to the little ones tomorrow." Sighing, Inosuke took his clothes and padded to the bathroom. He striped himself of his sweatpants and socks before stepping into the warm stream of water that awaited him. Inosuke washed away all the negativity he carried down the drain before washing his hair and stepping out of the shower.

He quickly got dressed in his clean sweatpants and socks before making his way back to Tanjiro's room. The redhead was in his Pajamas reading next to a dim lamp on his bedside table. "Did you brush your hair?" Tanjiro knew the answer but still decided to ask. Inosuke shook his head and went to grab his brush from the desk before bringing it to his boyfriend to wordlessly ask if he could brush his hair.

"Sit down, baby." Inosuke sat down in front of Tanjiro and relished in the feeling of the brush gently massaging his scalp and the warmth that surrounded him. The sound of the pouring rain sounded tranquil as the cold breeze blew through the open window, creating a serene atmosphere.

"Inosuke, wake up so you can lay down properly." Prying his eyes open, Inosuke sleepily wiggled under the comforter and wrapped his muscular arms around his soft boyfriend. "I love you, sweetheart." "I love you too."

word count~ 1254

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