watching the game

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crisp, cool air blew through the open windows of the kamado household. the white curtains fluttered as the wind pushed them, mid-day sunlight poured through the windows of the living room.

"inosuke!" tanjuro called, beckoning the boy down to the living room. "yeah i'll be there in a sec!" was heard from upstairs before inosuke came jogging down the stairs. "the games on, come watch." inosukes eyes lit up as they shifted toward the television.

"inoo." tanjiro whined rounding the couch to face his boyfriend, " 'm want attention."

"c'mere babe." inosuke mumbled opening his arms. the redhead plopped down next to his boyfriend and rested his head on the others shoulder.

the younger of the two wrapped his arm around the other bringing him closer in an attempt to warm him up.

"yer cold." he bluntly stated, rubbing his bare arm, "get the blanket."

tanjiro rolled his eyes, "just watch your game." he said bitterly grabbing the blanket regardless. inosuke smirked to himself before wrapping his arm around the other and continuing to watch his game. son, tanjuro smiled softly , he's inlove.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2022 ⏰

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