Ryan Speaks too Soon

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As Ryan drove down the highway, he was edging on Euphoria.  Listening to "The Man" by the Killers, he forgot his troubles with the director for the moment.  He had also forgot that, with a best case scenario, he was facing punishment.  Instead,  he was thinking about the events that had transpired this night. 

He had captured the most dangerous man in the United States.  He also put away Louie Reghetti, who had caused Ryan worry since that fateful April night- when everything in Ryan's life had changed.  And now, this young teenaged agent was going to capture a man who was more powerful than either of them, one dead set on producing a deadly weapon that would render destruction and lethal disease.  As Ryan thought about his life before, only a month ago, the fact that Caleb Sternard made Ryan cower seemed almost comical.  Ryan, with the help of his friends, had become a force.

And he let Mai know about it.  "Mai, I...I mean we are really probably the two most powerful teenagers in the world..."

"Tone it down it down, pal.  We're not finished yet."

"What's to worry about?  The cops are in place.  Mai, we saved the director, we did what the rest of TALONS couldn't by capturing Scam Likely, and, on a personal note, I took care of Louie Reghetti.

"Yes, we did do that Ryan, but be cautious.  I understand feeling totally psyched about what you accomplished, but we need to focus on the job at hand."

On cue, as if God was saying Mai was right, the Four Runner's infotainment screen alerted Ryan he had a text.  The audible alert wasn't Damon's Batman voice.  Instead, a woman's voice sounded over the music in the Four Runner.  It said, "You have a text message."

Ryan replied, "Play message."

The Four Runner responded with words that knifed through Ryan's confidence.  The woman's formal, and insincerely polite tone, made the statement seem that much more hideous.  "You informed law enforcement, not a good move."

Ryan grimaced, turning to Mai.  "Well, I guess the game is up then."

"I want you to know, I am watching you by satellite.  I can see your every move."  The woman's voice commented good naturedly.

"What do you want?"  Ryan used the auto text with an angered tone.

"The plans to flash fuel... and the weapon.  They're the key to my hold on the world.  You will give them to me.  Now, you have no choice.  Do as I say... and live."

Ryan's eyes fell from the road for a second.  This was the ultimate buzz kill.  He suddenly felt stupid.  And instead of on top of the world, he felt responsible for bringing his partner into this.

The woman's voice continued, "I will watch you approach and direct you to a safe place.  There, we can make the exchange.  No cops, and you will get your money."  

Ryan looked over towards Mai, "He's got to be joking, why give me the money if he's forcing me to hand them over to him?"

"Maybe to make us look bad, if he does get caught."

"Where are we meeting?"  Ryan used the auto text again.

There was a short delay.

"I will tell you when and where to turn.  Follow my instructions.  See you then.  Remember, follow my instructions to a T"  The woman's voice concluded.

"We're not going to be able to call the cops."  Mai fumed.  "we won't know where we're going until we get there."

"Yeah, this might be a problem."

"A problem, Ryan?  We're burnt white toast."

"Well I'm burnt white toast at least,  He doesn't know you're here.  I'll tell him I'm pulling over for gas, and you can have someone pick you up."

"No way!  We're in this together."

"This isn't Backyardigan's or something Mai.  This is real, and being brave for no good reason is stupid."

"Whatever gave you the impression that I didn't think this is real?"

"Well, you're acting as if sticking with me is going to win approval from someone.  And it's not.  We just stole disks from the director."

Mai's face scowled, hurt and angry.  "I'm not doing this to win brownie points.  I'm doing this because I know we're doing the right thing, Ryan.  Don't ever say that again."

"Maybe I should just destroy the disks." 

"He'll kill us.  And he's a lot more dangerous than Scam Likely."

"So, we stick with his plan?"

"For now.  We'll try to get the cops involved somehow."

Ryan realized that, right now, he was paralyzed-subject to the Senator's whims.  He kept his faith, believing he could somehow outwit the Senator.  Unfortunately, Ryan didn't know the game, or how it was to be played.  Everything, in a couple of text messages, had changed.  The tension inside the Four Runner was thick and, as Declan hailed them by speaker phone, it was about to get worse.

"Ryan, There's no sign of the senator at the Airport.  And I've dug up some info, I'm not sure it is him.  Stay put for awhile, I've got some data to pull up."

"We know he's not at the airport.  He's monitoring our vehicle by satellite.  He's directing us to a place to meet.  He's using text messages to do it."
    "Ryan don't go! Stay put!"

"I have to go.  If I don't, he said he'll kill us."

"Think Ryan, he's in Chicago, you're not.  How is he going to get to you?"

"How is he tracking us with a Satellite?"  Ryan asked with indignation.  "Look, Declan, besides my father, you're the one man I'll listen to.  But my heart tells me I have to do this."

"Ryan, be careful.  I know you think the evidence points to the senator.  But you don't have all the pieces to the puzzle.  I don't think it's as black and white as you think it is."

Ryan replied, disbelievingly,   "All right, I'll stay open to everything."

"Ryan, be careful.  If my research is correct, you might be the only agent left in TALONS that can effectively stop this threat."

Ryan swallowed hard as he thought about Declan's statement.  A little over a month ago, the teenager didn't know this agency existed.  Now, he was their best hope.  Although he believed he was a force, he wasn't quite sure he was ready for the responsibility.  "Will do."

Ryan turned the car stereo off, cutting off 'Natural' by Imagine Dragons, it seemed obnoxious and unsettling at this moment.  The rest of the drive was silent, save for the text directions from a mysterious sender.

The TALONS Files:  the chronicles of telepathic agent Ryan DartWhere stories live. Discover now