Chapter 22 Get Together

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*Chapter 22
Get together*

Two days later

Lexi POV

I am so happy today because, 1 I don't need kruches anymore, and two because everyone is getting together.

I cant wait cause we haven't gotten together in a long time. It is being held at Carters and I think Maggie is her name, house.

I turn around and see a sleepy Cam. I giggle and kiss his nose. Oh and yes me and Cam are back on. As in girlfriend and boyfriend.

I kiss him on the lips and this time he wakes up, kissing back. "G'mornin babe." He says in his raspy morning voice. "Hey baby." I say back. "You sleep good?" I ask getting up and walking to the bathroom. "Only because you were in my arms." He says smiling and I blush.

"What time is the get together?" I ask. "Well what time is it?" He asked. I look at the time. Shit. Overslept! "We overslept, it is 2." I say. "Damn," He says. I nod. "Not enough time!" He whines. I giggle and go inside my closest to see what I am gonna wear.

I decides to go with black jeans, a jean style jacket, a white shirt, that you can see a little through, and black heels. I set it down on my chair, and nod. "Carter said five." Cameron says.

"Okie." I say. "What are we doing with your room if you don't go in it?" I ask. He looks up from his phone and says, "Oh, I never thought of that."

"Well....We could either turn it into a guest room, or a game and movie room." I say.

I can see him thinking. "Probably a game and movie room." He says, and I nod. "K, I will start working on it next weekend." I say. "K." He says.

I look at the time and it's three, dang, time went fast. "Wanna go to Starbucks?!" Cameron asked, finally looking up from his phone.

"Yessss, thats my shiot." I say and we both start laughing. I was already in some black and turquoise yoga pants and a sports bra, so I just put on an oversized sweater and some brown Uggs.

I put my hair up in a messy bun, and grab my phone off of the charger. I see Cam was already to go. "You ready?" He asked "Yep." I grab my money and we interlock out fingers the whole way to the car.

(Skip car ride)

We pull up to Starbucks, and get out. Cameron comes over to grab my hand, and we interlock our fingers. As we walk in, I see that not a lot of people are here. I shrug and we get in line.

"Hello, how are you guys today?" The cashier asked. "Good." we both say.

"What can I get you guys today?" He asked. "I-" I was about to stop but he went. "She will have an Carmel Frappé with extra, extra, extra caramel, oh, and whip cream." He says and I smile about how he knows me so well.

"And I will have the same." He says. The man cashier nods and says, "That will be $10.47."

I start to grab my money and count but I felt someone starring at me so I look up, and see that Cam was already looking in my eyes. "Sorry hun," He says grabbing my money. "Hey!" I say trying to grab it. "You ain't paying." He says and gives his card to the man.

"I hate you." I say trying to get mad. "We both know that's not true." He says. "Can I have your name." he asked.

"Cameron." Cam says. "Thank you, it will be done shortly." After that we go sit down, and I am still mad, cause I think its rude that he paid.

"Babe c'mon." He says laughing. I am trying so hard not to laugh. Couple seconds later we are both laughing our butts off. "Haha." I say while still laughing.

"Cameron." A worker says, and we get up and our on our way out the door.

(Skipping car ride)

We get home and I rush upstairs to my room. My drink was almost gone, so I set it on my desk. It was like 3:50 and that, my friend is not enough time. I pit my phone on the charger and needed to start getting ready.

I quickly get in the shower, wash my hair, clean my body and get out. I hurry up in my room and get out. I rap my body with a different towel, and rap my hair, in the towel and start on my makeup.

After makeup, I take my hair out and see that its already dry, so I take out me curling wand and curl it how I like it.

When I get done with that I rush out of my bathroom, and check my outfit out one more time. I nod to myself, and put my bra, panties, deodorant, and lotion on and start putting my pants on.

I then but my shirt on and the my jacket, after that I put my braclets, and necklace that Cam gave me awhile back. I put my heels on, as Cam walks through the door and he looks hot.

"You look beyond beautiful." He says. I stand up and walk over to him. "You think ? Are you sure it's not too much?" I ask. "Babe you look wonderful." I nod. "You ready?" He asked. "Yeah, let me just grab my phone and purse."

"Okay, I will be in the car." He says and walks out. I grab everything I need and go downstairs. I go out the front door and lock it on my way out.

I get it in the passengers side and put my purse in between my legs. I look out the window and admire the beautiful city lights.

Cam turns down the radio. "You ready?" He asked. TBH, I was a little nervous, I don't know why because I have met them before. I just feel like somthing changed.

"Yeah." I say trying to hold my nervousness.

A couple minutes later we pull up to a beutiful house. It was breathtaking. Cameron gets out, and jogs over to my side and lets me out. "Such a gentleman." I giggle. We walk hand in hand, and get to the door.

I was about to ring the doorbell, until Mr.Perfect, over here walks right in.

"Ahhhhh!" The boys all scream. "THERE IS THE MAN!" They say and make a big group hug. I gently step back and bump into someone.

I turn around a see Shawn. "Shawn!," I say giving him a big hug. "I thought you were on tour." I say. "They let me take a QUICK break." We both laughed.

"I missed your laugh." He says and I cant help but blush. Not Lexi stop. I just look at him and gently smile. "SHAWN, MY BOY!" Cameron yells and pulls him in there 'little group'.

I go in the kitchen and grap a red solo cup and fill me up some water. I drank it and just sat there. I wish Kylie was here or Ally. But Ally went on an important family reunion, and Kylie went to go see her family.

I heard everyone go upstairs, and I just sat on one of the bar stools. I signed and then I heard girl laughs coming down the stairs. "Oh hi!" One of them say. "Uh hi." I do a little wave.

"You must be Lexi, Cameron's girlfriend." I nod. "Yep thats me." I say. "Well I am Maggie, and this is Madison." She says. "Madison Beer?" I ask. She nods in response.

I dont know why but I had an odd feeling about her, like I know her from somwhere.


Hey! I am sometimes getting writers block and if you have any questions, nice comments, ideas, please share. Love yall 😘😘😘

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