Chapter 16 Birthday Lunch

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*3 days later*

Lexi POV

I cant wait because its Hayes' surprise party tomorrow and I am taking him and all if the boys out to lunch today. I get up and decide on what I'm going to wear. I walk in to my walk in closet and find some clothes. I picked out a really cute outfit that looks absolutely cute! (Pic on top)

I take a quick shower and wash my hair. After I got out, I dried my hair and then wand curled my hair. After I did all of that less than an hour, I check the time and see that I have 23 minutes left till we all meet up. I quickly get dressed and check myself in the mirror. I have to say, I look pretty damn hot. I go into the bathroom to do my makeup. I didn't put to much on my face cause it wouldn't look good.

I check the time and, crap, I have ten minutes. I check one last time in the mirror, and then grab my purse and phone from the charger. As I am walking down the hall way I stop. I noticed Cameron's room door was opened, I walk up to the door and close it. I knew I had to get his stuff out of here soon, very soon. I walk downstairs and grab my keys, then headed out the door. I turned the alarm on, so while I was gone no one could break in. I lock the door and head to the elevator.

I unlock my car and get in the passenger seat. I drive to BJ's and find the boys waiting outside. I get out of the car and grab my purse. I lock the door and put my sunglasses on. I walk over and as I am walking Hayes runs up and hugs me. "Missed you to, haha." I say as he let go.

"Sorry." He says. I laugh, "No, your fine." I say hitting his shoulder. We walk up the stairs and I give everyone a hug. "Hey guys!" I say.

"Hi." They all say. I knew there was one person who was missing. Mahogany. "Wheres Lox !?" I ask.

"Oh yeah," Gilinsky starts."her flight got canceled because of to much snow or something, but she said she will definitely be here for the party." He said. I wonder why she didn't tell me. Anyways that doesn't matter, I am here to celebrate Hayes' birthday, and nothing else. "Table for 10, Ms. Lexi." The speaker lady called out.

"Table for 10." The waiter asked. I nodded. "Right this way." She said smiling and leading us to a booth.

It surprisingly fit all of us perfectly. I was in between Hayes and Taylor. Hayes and I were talking about the party tomorrow and Taylor was talking to Matt and Aaron. "So are you excited sense its your birthday ?" I ask him.

"Yeah, I am really happy I get to spend it with you guys," He said smiling, but it turned into a frown. "Im just mad Cameron isn't here." He said. I felt really bad because, 1; me and Shawn didn't invite him, 2; Hayes and Cameron are like brothers , and 3; Cameron wont answer any if Hayes' text or calls.

I rubbed his back to make him feel better. "Everything will be ok." I assure him. Honestly I don't know if everything will be ok ! Im sure Hayes will get over it.

We ordered are food, and shortly our food came out and we were talking about whats going on in life. "Yeah, I just ended my tour." Shawn says. "Oh, but your going on more right ?" Taylor asked him. "Yeah for sure." He answers back.

We finish and hour later and say our goodbye's. Matt was getting a ride because his parents are out of town. "Ok bye guys!" Me and Matt say. We get in the car and I start it. I back up and head on the hight way. Matt turns some music on and we make small talk. "So is everything done at the beach ?" He asked.

"Yeah," I say. "Hayes' mom just has to drop off all of the food and drinks, and I have to set up the decorations." I say.

"Hey, is it okay if I crash at your place tonight ?" He ask. "You never have to ask Matt, your like family." I remind him. "Thanks." He said smiling. "No problem." I say.

(Skip rest of car ride)

We get to the house and I turn off the alarm. I tell Matt to make himself a home. "I am just gonna be upstairs in my room, if you need anything just call me." I say heading up the stairs. "Thanks Lex!" He yells. "Your welcome!" I yell from the stair case. I get into my room and set my phone and purse down. I jump on my bed and look up at the celling. A few minutes past and I remembered I had to clean Cam's room out. I get a couple of garbage bags and go into his room. Its messy as always, so thats more work for me. I put all if his trophies, clothes, shoes, etc. in bags and boxes. 3 hours past and I was done with everything except the closet. When I opened it, I started to clean it out in separate it in the right box.

An hour later I finish with that and move on to the pictures on the wall. I look at all of our great memories together. I saw one of Jaxx and Cam playing with a toy and laughed. I then stopped and see a picture of me and Cam holding hands and kissing at the beach.

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