25. A Day Of Rest

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Max woke up feeling an unbearable ache radiating from his lower back. He groaned softly, trying to stretch out the pain, but it only made things worse. "What the hell am I supposed to do? I have work today," he muttered, his voice filled with frustration. He glanced over at Valentino, who was still peacefully asleep beside him, his chest rising and falling in a steady rhythm. Max hated the idea of disturbing Val's rest, but the thought of working through this pain was equally unbearable.

Max had been out of work for nearly a month due to various reasons, and the prospect of another day off didn't sit well with him. He wanted to contribute, to be of some use and maybe even earn a little money for Valentino, despite knowing Val was making more than enough to support them both. It wasn't about the money—it was about feeling significant, having a role in their shared life. Max wanted to feel important, not just like a passenger in their relationship.

As he was lost in thought, Valentino stirred. He felt Max's gaze on him and blinked his eyes open. "You alright, hun?" he asked groggily, his voice thick with sleep. His eyes met Max's, and he could see the pain etched across his boyfriend's face.

"Yeah—actually no," Max began, wincing slightly as he tried to find a comfortable position. "I'm in a lot of pain right now. I don't think I'll be able to work today. Don't get me wrong, I want to, but I'm in so much pain in my lower back, and I don't think I can—"

Before Max could finish, Valentino cut him off with a soft, yet passionate kiss. The tenderness of Val's lips against his own surprised Max, and he found himself momentarily lost in the sensation. Valentino pulled away just enough to look into Max's eyes, his own filled with a mixture of concern and affection.

"It's okay, baby," Valentino said gently. "I hurt you, so let me take care of you. I'm going to spoil my baby boy today." He chuckled softly as he saw Max's face light up with excitement. Max's love for shopping was well-known; it didn't even matter if it was for him or just exploring new stores—he simply enjoyed the experience.

Max's heart swelled with gratitude. He had expected to be reprimanded or, at the very least, met with frustration, but instead, Valentino's reaction was a balm to his aching spirit. He could feel the warmth of Val's love and the comfort of his assurance. The idea of spending the day shopping with Valentino, not to mention the fact that he didn't have to work through his pain, made him feel a deep sense of relief and happiness.

Valentino helped Max to sit up, adjusting the pillows behind him to provide better support for his aching back. "You just relax here for a bit," Val instructed, his voice tender. "I'll make us some breakfast and then we'll head out. You can pick wherever you want to go."

Max nodded, a smile spreading across his face despite the discomfort. "Thanks, Val. You're the best."

Valentino returned the smile, leaning in for another quick kiss before getting out of bed. As he moved about the room, Max felt a surge of appreciation for his boyfriend. Valentino's willingness to adjust his plans and take care of him spoke volumes about his love and commitment.

While Valentino prepared breakfast, Max took the opportunity to stretch carefully, trying to alleviate some of the tension in his back. He listened to the sounds of Val moving around the kitchen, the clinking of pots and the gentle hum of the radio. It was comforting, a reminder of the normalcy and support that Valentino brought into his life.

After a while, Valentino returned to the bedroom with a tray of breakfast—fresh fruit, toast, and scrambled eggs. He set it down on the bedside table and helped Max sit up so he could eat. They chatted lightly about where Max might want to go shopping, and Valentino listened with genuine interest as Max listed a few favorite spots.

Once breakfast was finished, Valentino helped Max get dressed, careful not to cause any additional discomfort. They set out for a day of exploring shops and enjoying each other's company. Max felt a renewed sense of joy, not only because of the shopping but because of the love and care Valentino showed him. Despite the pain in his back, Max realized that he was never truly alone in his struggles. Valentino was always there, ready to support him and make him feel valued.

By the end of the day, Max was exhausted but content. He had enjoyed their outing and appreciated Valentino's efforts to make him feel special. As they returned home, Max leaned against Valentino, feeling a profound sense of security and love. In Valentino's presence, he had found a place where he could heal and be cherished, and for that, he was incredibly thankful.

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