30. Breaking Point

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"Do you think we should even be talking about this—"

"Of course not, but he needs help! Serious fucking help!"

"What makes you say that?"

"Have you seen what he fucking did—"

The conversation was heated and carried on in a tone Max could only recognize as urgent and distressed. As he woke, the muffled voices of Kyle and Valentino cut through his attempts at sleep. The end of their discussion was clear enough for Max to understand they were talking about him. He sat up, trying to make sense of their words, feeling a sinking pit in his stomach as their conversation sank in.

"Morning," Kyle said awkwardly, his face turning red. "We were just, um, talking about the weather and work!"

Max, struggling to keep his emotions in check, sensed the insincerity in Kyle's words. The disappointment and sadness in Valentino's eyes spoke volumes, and Max knew he had overheard too much. Without another word, he lowered his head and walked out of the bedroom, the weight of their conversation heavy on his shoulders.

As he moved down the hallway, the floodgates opened, and tears streamed down his face uncontrollably. Words echoed through his mind—harsh, unforgiving words: 'Weak.' 'Stupid.' 'Gross.' 'Useless.' Each word seemed to cut deeper, amplifying his feelings of worthlessness. He stumbled towards the bathroom, his body on autopilot, driven by an unbearable sense of despair.

Max locked himself in the bathroom, the sound of the door clicking shut a small comfort in the chaotic storm within him. He leaned against the cold tiles, the chill a sharp contrast to the burning shame that consumed him. He stared at his reflection in the mirror, the image that looked back at him filled with self-loathing. The scars on his arms were a cruel reminder of his past decisions, and he felt a surge of panic at the thought of facing them.

In the silence of the bathroom, Max's thoughts turned darker. He wanted so badly to escape the suffocating pain, to find a way out where no one had to care about him anymore. The thought of ending it all seemed to offer a release from the overwhelming guilt and anguish. He reached for the drawer where he kept his old razor blades, the metal cold and menacing in his trembling hands. The urge to self-harm was a powerful pull, a twisted comfort in his moment of weakness.

As he stared at the blade, he could hear faint knocks on the bathroom door, though his mind was too far gone to register them clearly. The knocks grew more insistent, and Max felt a twinge of irritation. He didn't want to deal with anyone right now. But the sounds persisted, growing louder, and a voice broke through his turmoil.

"Max? Are you okay? Please, let me in," Valentino's voice was strained with worry.

Max hesitated, his grip tightening around the blade. His thoughts were a tumultuous mess, and he struggled with the decision at hand. He wanted to shut everything out, to find solace in the familiar pain, but the sound of Valentino's voice was a stark reminder of the love he didn't feel he deserved.

"Max, please," Valentino's voice cracked, desperation evident in his tone. "I know you're in there. I'm coming in."

The door clicked open, and Valentino stepped inside, his eyes widening in shock as he took in the scene. Max's hands were trembling, the blade poised dangerously close. Valentino's face turned pale, and he quickly moved to Max's side.

"Max, no! Please don't do this," Valentino's voice was urgent, filled with a mixture of fear and love. He gently took the blade from Max's hand, tossing it aside with trembling fingers. "I'm here, and I care about you. You don't have to go through this alone."

Max looked up, his eyes red and swollen from crying. The sight of Valentino's anguish mirrored his own, and it made his heart ache even more. He felt a surge of shame, realizing the depth of the pain he was causing.

"I—I'm sorry," Max choked out, his voice breaking. "I didn't want to hurt you. I just... I felt so worthless."

Valentino's face softened as he knelt beside Max, pulling him into a tight embrace. "You're not worthless, Max. You're everything to me. I know it feels dark right now, but you're not alone in this. We'll get through it together."

Tears streamed down Max's face as he clung to Valentino, the weight of his emotions crashing over him. Valentino's soothing words and warm embrace were a lifeline in his sea of despair. He held Max close, whispering words of reassurance, hoping to offer him some sense of comfort and security.

"I'm so scared," Max admitted, his voice muffled against Valentino's shoulder.

"It's okay to be scared," Valentino replied softly. "We'll face it together. You're stronger than you think, and I'm not going anywhere. I promise."

As the minutes passed, Valentino continued to hold Max, offering him the solace he so desperately needed. Slowly, Max's breathing began to even out, and the storm of emotions that had raged within him started to subside. Valentino's presence was a beacon of hope, reminding Max that he was not alone, no matter how overwhelming his struggles seemed.

Valentino guided Max to sit on the edge of the bathtub, carefully tending to the cuts on his arms with a first aid kit. He worked with gentle hands, his touch tender and caring. Max winced at the sting of the antiseptic but remained still, drawing comfort from Valentino's steady presence.

"You're going to be okay," Valentino said softly as he bandaged Max's wounds. "We'll get through this. I'm here for you, every step of the way."

Max nodded, feeling a glimmer of hope in Valentino's words. It was a small but significant step towards healing, and for now, that was enough. Valentino's love and support provided a lifeline in the midst of his darkest moment, and Max clung to it, hoping for a brighter future where he could find peace and self-worth.

Together, they faced the darkness, and Valentino's unwavering support became a guiding light for Max in his journey towards recovery.

Word counter: 1034

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