Chapter 5

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Billy scowled down at you. "You just couldn't go to the party, huh? You just had to make everything difficult."

Stu gave a mocking pout in your direction as he was still on the ground from holding you down. "Yeah, that's messed up. You hurt my feelings, YN... I was looking forward to you being there." His eyes weren't Stu. Not the Stu you knew. He was deranged and manic as he stared at you.

Billy sighed heavily, rubbing his chin with his knife as he stared you down. "We all could have avoided this if you just went tomorrow night. Too late now. This isn't part of the plot. Not for our movie. "

"...What?..." Your eyes watered and a betrayed cry ripped from your throat. "How could you?...How could you both do this?!"

The panicked confusion made you scatter to the corner of the shed as Billy shut the door behind him.

You were trapped.

Stu stood up, gloved hands reaching for you. "Y\N. Just listen for a minute. You'll understand soon and you'll get it!"

Your body shook uncontrollably. Your voice cracked as you yelled. "Listen? Listen?! You killed our classmates, my boyfriend and you're trying to kill our friends!"

Billy stepped forward. "No, your friends. They are fucking shitty ones too."

You hugged the wall, staring at the two young men as if they were total strangers now.


Billy released a dark chuckle. "Why? I don't know Stu. Why?"

A grin stretched over Stu's face. "Why? Because they deserved it, YN. Because it was FUN! " He pointed to himself and Billy. " See...We control it. We start and finish the game." He explained, hands moving with every word.

"We direct this movie, YN. We control our reality as well as yours. What the audience sees, which characters die, who ends up being the hero or the villain. We control it. In a sense; we get to play God. Does that answer your question?" Billy grinned as he purred every word. The knife to his chin with excitement dancing in his eyes.

You stared, waiting for them to tell you this was a screwed up prank that just went too far. The silence stretched on as Stu giggled and glanced at Billy.

"Aw, poor thing. She seems a bit confused, man." Stu said it so casually with a smile.

Billy answered Stu, still smirking at you the entire time. "Well, then let's dumb it down for her." He leaned forward, whispering to you. "We are killing because we can. That's all you need to know."

"Stop...This isn't..." You trailed off.

They both looked at you with mocking surprise. "What? This isn't like us? I told you earlier. You have no idea who I am, YN. The Billy you knew wasn't real."

You shook your head, stuttering as you furiously blinked away tears. "I don't...I don't get it. Why? Why certain people why-"

"You will. Soon, you'll see things our way." Stu gave as he walked around to the side of you. You crawled backwards as far away from them as possible.

Billy wore a wicked smile on his face you never saw before. His usual and collected demeanor was gone. "That bitch Casey from homeroom was spreading a rumor that you were fucking everyone-"

Stu continued. "Even though we know that skank was the one spreading her legs for every football player in town and then some. Believe me, I tapped that. She is as easy as ABC's."

You shook your head and scrunched your brows as you listened.

"Okay, so...What? You dated her, she dumped you, and you got revenge?"

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